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Comment: Began documenting EZID identifier provider's configuration

Table of Contents

Persistent Identifier

It is good practice to use Persistent Identifiers to address items in a digital repository. There are many different systems for Persistent Identifiers: Handle, DOI, urn:nbn, purl and many more. It is far out of the scope of this document to discuss the differences of all these systems. For several reasons the handle system is deeply integrated in DSpace and DSpace makes intensive use of it. With DSpace 3.0 the Identifier Service was introduced that makes it possible to use external identifier services within DSpace.


Configure DSpace to use EZID service for registration of DOIs

The EZID IdentifierProvider operates synchronously, so there is much less to configure. You will need to un-comment the EZIDIdentifierProvider bean in config/spring/api/identifier-service.xml to enable DOI registration through EZID.

In config/dspace.cfg you will find a small block of settings whose names begin with identifier.doi.ezid.  You should uncomment these properties and give them appropriate values.

identifier.doi.ezid.shoulderThe "shoulder" is the DOI prefix issued to you by the EZID service.  DOIs minted by this instance of DSpace will be the concatenation of the "shoulder and a locally unique token.



The username and password by which you authenticate to EZID.
identifier.doi.ezid.publisherYou may specify a default value for the required datacite.publisher metadatum, for use when the Item has no publisher.

In config/spring/api/identifier-service.xml you will see some other configuration of the EZIDIdentiferProvider bean.  You may not need to change any of it.  But here you can alter the mapping between DSpace and EZID metadata, should you choose.  The crosswalk property is a map from DSpace metadata fields to EZID fields, and can be extended or changed.

You can also supply a transformation to be applied to a field using the crosswalkTransform property.  The only transformation currently provided is one which converts a date to the year of that date, named org.dspace.identifier.ezid.DateToYear.  In the configuration as delivered, it is used to convert the date of issue to the year of publication.  You may create new classes with which to supply other transformations.  If an EZID metadatum is not named in this map, the default mapping is applied:  the string value of the DSpace field is copied verbatim.

Normally, you should not change the values of the EZID_SCHEME and EZID_HOST properties of the EZIDRequestFactory beanSorry, this part is not documented yet. Please feel free to add information about how to configure DSpace to work together with EZID.

Adding support for other Registration Agencies
