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  • Scott Prater not present, but reported that he will work to finish up the AuthZ performance tests, finish the second half of the content-model-to-node-types-page.
  • frank asseg not presented today or tomorrow, but reported that he worked on generalizing a CacheEntry interface to solve the fixity check on federated content issue.
  • Andrew Woods reviewed some things, wanted to point out that Chris put in an update to batch operations API to create fedora:batch which replaces fedora:datastreams and works well to group API calls.  Wants to create a top-level performance page (in user docs or admin docs) that summarizes in a very clear way the single node tests for file and leveldb and different operations.  Also, create another set of pages (like admin docs) that have the features with a short description with a link off to design docs (or graduated design docs) with Nigel's UI walkthrough and Eric's configuration guide.  Andrew would like to set the structure up and then have others finish out the pages. Unknown User ( volunteered to take the lead on some or all of that.
  • Greg Jansen has a few AuthZ tickets remaining, is looking to add an action form into out HTML rendering.  Has some clustering testing to do.
  • Osman Din working on documentation for storage layout, waiting for review and feedback.  Also developed a tool to view the bson files.  Andrew Woods suggested he update old test reports with his new tests.
  • Nigel Banks wasn't present.
  • Unknown User ( finished up testing with ingest large files up to 1TB and access.  Did a little bit of testing with federation that listing up to 1000 objects in a directory was fine, 10K files seemed to be a problem.  Testing Greg's cluster project, but hasn't yet gotten the two node cluster to work yet.  There was a question about using fedora with a cloud storage back-end.  JCR doesn't support asynchronous access.
  • Michael Durbin
  • Eric James was working on FcrTransform to make sure it was working.  Reviewing Adam's code.  Would like to get indexing code to work on standalone solr (vs embedded solr).
  • A. Soroka the pull request brings indexing aparatus up such that it does index to solr and triplestores, but it needs better test coverage and there are problems with the transform endpoint.  Using anything other than the default transform creates a NPE.  This needs to be addressed, and Adam will create a ticket.  With that straightened out, it'll be ready for documentation and inclusion.
  • Chris Beer performance testing and knocking off some tickets but is running short on low-hanging API improvements.  Has the goal to beat fedora 3 in this stanford dataset by the end of the week.
  • Benjamin Armintor uploaded a branch from which he was going to send a pull request, but is testing a rebase now.  The profiling tests show this branch reduces overhead by a 6th or quarter.  Made a compromise to improve messaging.  For eventing: node removed events may come from another path.  Perhaps we'll have a conversation immediately after standup.

Tuesday December 10th

  • frank asseg will be out today
  • Benjamin Armintor not present today
  • Chris Beer performance testing with new configurations, like asynchronous options.  These look promising and have possibly 4-5fold increase on laptop, but much more modest gains on server.  Will try increasing CPUs.
  • A. Soroka is trying to marshall a bunch of pull requests (Ben's, Osmin's, Eric's). 
  • Eric James looking through Adam's code, has some other ideas about indexing but may not apply to this release.  Revisit wiki pages to explain and document this approach.
  • Michael Durbin documentation and such
  • Unknown User ( did some clustering work, got it working briefly, started writing it up and then it stopped working.  Looking at performance and test results documentation.
  • Nigel Banks not present today
  • Osman Din spent time documenting modeshape artifact layout.  Worked on Atom parsing problem.  Will work with Adam to get PR reviewed.  Andrew Woods asked why we still have messages with bodies.  A. Soroka indicated that we always retained them to support a legacy use case.  This affects Osman's PR and one from Ben.  A. Soroka will try to merge the code without the Atom serialization.
  • Greg Jansen is helping Scott set up authorization testing.  Got a pull request in that adds access roles and basic policy enforcement point.  Has another that adds access roles to http-webapp and is working on a PR for velocity templates.  Is working on clustering tool as well.
  • Andrew Woods is planning on spending the next hour going through pivotal tickets to merge and close low hanging fruit.  Frank has a fixity bug in, others should look at it.