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Configuration File:[dspace]/config/dspace.cfg
Example Value:
Code Block
identifier.doi.user = user123
Informational Note:Username to login into the API of the DOI registration agency. You can 'll get it from you DOI registration agency.
Example Value:
Code Block
identifier.doi.password = top-secret
Informational Note:Password to login into the API of the DOI registration agency. You can 'll get it from you DOI registration agency.
Example Value:
Code Block
identifier.doi.prefix = 10.5072
Informational Note:The prefix that you got from the DOI registration agency. All your DOIs start with the prefix, followed by a slash and a suffix generated from DSpace. The prefix can be compared with a name space namespace within the DOI system.
Example Value:
Code Block
identifier.doi.namespaceseparator = dspace-
Informational Note:The value can remain empty. If you want to use the same DOI prefix in several DSpace installations or with other tools that generate and register DOIs it is necessary to use a name space namespace separator. All the DOIs that DSpace generates will start with the DOI prefix, followed by a slash, the name space namespace separator and some number generated by DSpace. If for example your prefix is 10.5072 and you want all DOIs generated by DSpace to look like 10.5072/dspace-1023 you have to set this as in the example value above.


Every DSpace installation expects to be the only application that generate DOIs that starts with the prefix and name space namespace separator you configured. DSpace does not check whether a DOI it generates is reserved or registered already.

That means if you want to use multiple software or even more then one DSpace installation to register DOIs with the same prefix, you'll have to use a unique name space namespace separator. For example if your prefix is 10.5072 you can configure one DSpace installation to generate DOIs starting with 10.5072/papers-, a second installation to generate DOIs starting with 10.5072/data- and another software to generate DOIs starting with 10.5072/results-.
