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To make DSpace resistant to outages of DataCite we decided to separate the DOI support in to parts. When a DOI should be generated, reserved or minted, DSpace does this in its own database. To perform registration and/or reservation against the DOI registration agency a job have to be started using the command line. The idea is, that this should be done periodically by a cron job. In this section we describe the command line interface, in case you ever want to use it manually. In the next section you'll see the cron job that transfers all DOIs that should be reserved and or registered at the DOI registration agency.

The command line interface in generals is documented here: Command Line Operations. The command that takes care for DOIs is doi-organiser. You can use the following options:

Option (short)


'cron' job for asynchronous reservation/registration


Option (long)ParameterDescription
-d--delete-all Transmit information to the DOI registration agency about all DOIs that were deleted.
 --delete-doiDOITransmit information to the DOI registration agency that the specified DOI was deleted. The DOI must be marked for deletion before, you cannot use this command to delete a DOI for an exisiting item.
-h--help Print online help.
-l--list List all DOIs those changes were not commited to the registration agency yet.
-q--quiet The doi-organiser send error reports to the mail address configured in the property alert.recipient in dspace.cfg. If you use this option no output should be given to stdout. If you do not use this option the DOI-Organiser put informations about successful and unsuccessful operations to stdout and stderr.
-r--register-all Transmit information about all DOIs that should be registered.

DOI | ItemID | handle

If a DOI is marked for registration you can trigger the registration at the DOI registration agency by this command. Specify either the DOI, the ID of the item or its handle.
-s--reserve-all Transmit information about all DOIs that should be reserved to the DOI registration agency.
 --reserve-doiDOI | ItemID | handleIf a DOI is marked for registration you can trigger the registration at the DOI registration agency by this command. Specify either the DOI, the ID of the item or its handle.
-u--update-all If a DOI is reserved for an item, the meta data of the item will be send to DataCite. This command transmit new meta data for items those meta data were changed since the DOI was reserved.
 --update-doiDOI | ItemID | handleIf a DOI needs an update of the meta data of the item it belongs to, you can trigger this update with this command. Specify either the DOI, the ID of the item or its handle.

Currently you cannot generate new DOIs with this tool. You only can send information about changes in your local DSpace database to the registration agency.

'cron' job for asynchronous reservation/registration


Configure DSpace to use EZID service for registration of DOIs
