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  • New "cool" capabilities
    • new way to inject things (like sessions)
    • JAXRS2 has a dispose method in the factory that could be used when we know it's going out of scope
  • Difficulties updating
    • guava propagate() method has been used to throw checked exceptions when disallowed in method signature
      • if exception is not a WebApplicationException it will not go into the exception mapping routines if it's emitted during the injection of resources
      • Ben is wrapping exceptions with subclasses of WebApplicationException
      • If exception types defined in kernel are thrown by http-api classes, they need to be wrapped in these extension classes
      • example cases including returning 410 status (no longer available) as in an expired transaction
    • jcr.session appears to be closed when its not in transaction tests as a result of session.logout in a finally block

One-Click release (pre beta)

  • Goal to have some sort of release before holidays including a "one-click" release.
  • We should know by the end of this week whether this will be possible
  • What is a one-click release?
    • Andrew will write up a document that describes what happens and what steps are necessary to move to a real install.
      • Adam wondered if it would be a "walk through", "video", "interactive documentation within the repository"
      • Andrew said it would likely be a wiki walk-through, but that there's some focus on improving/refining the UI
      • Esme suggested that except for large files the UI is pretty good now, though we should make an easier way to add properties.
      • Adam suggested we should have an end point for mutations on a single property (possibly new endpoints), but if we're only talking about changes to the HTML UI that's fine
        • Esme said if we could do it with javascript without creating new endpoints
        • Adam and Esme agreed that it might be ideal to be able to click on a property which then becomes editable, have a property dropdown to create new properties, etc.
        • We should determine whether there are low-hanging fruit here
      • Mike brought up his interest in having views that were dependent on object types and other "fedora-3-like" constructs but conceded they were less relevant since we do not impose and such structural requirements to node organization.
    • Andrew pointed out that we should fix the restart permGen issue
    • Mike objected to the term "install" in the name
    • Adam suggested we make a good easy walkthrough for clustering
    • Hydra/Islandora running
      • Chris wonders if it's high enough priority
      • Nigel also wonders if there's time before Christmas
      • we'll see about moving it down/off the key capabilities list for this release

Fedora 4 Kernel Abstraction Layer


New Actions
