Versions Compared


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  • "Access" step: This step allows users to (optionally) modify access rights or set an embargo during the deposit of an Item. For more information on this step, and Embargo options in general, please see the Embargo documentation.
  • "CC License" step: This step allows users to (optionally) assign a Creative Commons license to a particular Item. Please see the Configuring Creative Commons License section of the Configuration documentation for more details.
  • "Initial Questions" step: This step asks users a simple set of "initial questions" which help to determine which metadata fields are displayed in the "Describe" step (see above).  These initial questions include:
    • Multiple Titles: The item has more than one title, e.g. a translated title  (If selected, then users will be asked for an alternative title in the Describe step)
    • Published Before: The item has been published or publicly distributed before (If selected, then users will be asked for a publication date and publisher in the Describe step).

      titleInitial Questions will auto-assign a publication date when "Published Before" is unselected

      Please note, if you enable Initial Questions, and your users do NOT select "Published Before" option, then DSpace will auto-assign a publication date ( to that particular Item.

      It may be entirely accurate for some types of content (e.g. for gray literature or even theses/dissertations) to auto-assign this publication date.

      However, if the Item actually was published in some other location, this will result in an incorrect publication date being reported by DSpace.  This tendency for an incorrect publication date has been reported by Google Scholar to DSpace developers (see: DS-1481), which is why the "Initial Questions" are now disabled by default.

To Enable any of these optional submission steps, just uncomment the step definition within the [dspace]/config/item-submission.xml file. Please see the

Understanding the Submission Configuration File


  • heading: Partial I18N key (defined in for JSPUI or messages.xmlfor XMLUI) which corresponds to the text that should be displayed in the submission Progress Bar for this step. This partial I18N key is prefixed within either the or messages.xml file, depending on the interface you are using. Therefore, to find the actual key, you will need to search for the partial key with the following prefix:
    • XMLUI: prefix is xmlui.Submission. (e.g. "xmlui.Submission.submit.progressbar.describe" for 'Describe' step)
    • JSPUI: prefix is jsp. (e.g. "jsp.submit.progressbar.describe" for 'Describe' step)The 'heading' need not be defined if the step should not appear in the progress bar (e.g. steps which perform automated processing, i.e. non-interactive, should not appear in the progress bar).
  • processing-class (Required): Full Java path to the Processing Class for this Step. This Processing Class must perform the primary processing of any information gathered in this step, for both the XMLUI and JSPUI. All valid step processing classes must extend the abstract org.dspace.submit.AbstractProcessingStep class (or alternatively, extend one of the pre-existing step processing classes in org.dspace.submit.step.*)
  • jspui-binding: Full Java path of the JSPUI "binding" class for this Step. This "binding" class should initialize and call the appropriate JSPs to display the step's user interface. A valid JSPUI "binding" class must extend the abstract class. This property need not be defined if you are using the XMLUI interface, or for steps which only perform automated processing, i.e. non-interactive steps.
  • xmlui-binding: Full Java path of the XMLUI "binding" class for this Step. This "binding" class should generate the Manakin XML (DRI document) necessary to generate the step's user interface. A valid XMLUI "binding" class must extend the abstract class. This property need not be defined if you are using the JSPUI interface, or for steps which only perform automated processing, i.e. non-interactive steps.
  • workflow-editable: Defines whether or not this step can be edited during the Edit Metadata process with the DSpace approval/rejection workflow process. Possible values include true and false. If undefined, defaults to true (which means that workflow reviewers would be allowed to edit information gathered during that step).

Reordering/Removing/Adding Submission Steps

The removal of existing steps and reordering of existing steps is a relatively easy process!

Reordering steps

  1. Locate the <submission-process> tag which defines the Submission Process that you are using. If you are unsure which Submission Process you are using, it's likely the one with name="traditional", since this is the traditional DSpace submission process.
  2. Reorder the <step> tags within that <submission-process> tag. Be sure to move the entire <step> tag (i.e. everything between and including the opening <step> and closing </step> tags).
    • Hint #1: The <step> defining the Review/Verify step only allows the user to review information from steps which appear before it. So, it's likely you'd want this to appear as one of your last few steps
    • Hint #2: If you are using it, the <step> defining the Initial Questions step should always appear before the Upload or Describe steps since it asks questions which help to set up those later steps.

Removing one or more steps

  1. Locate the <submission-process> tag which defines the Submission Process that you are using. If you are unsure which Submission Process you are using, it's likely the one with name="traditional", since this is the traditional DSpace submission process.
  2. Comment out (i.e. surround with <!-- and -->) the <step> tags which you want to remove from that <submission-process> tag. Be sure to comment out the entire {{<step>}}<step> tag (i.e. everything between and including the opening _<step> and closing </step> tags).
    • Hint #1: You cannot remove the Select a Collection step, as an DSpace Item cannot exist without belonging to a Collection.
    • Hint #2: If you decide to remove the <step> defining the Initial Questions step, you should be aware that this may affect your Describe and Upload steps! The Initial Questions step asks questions which help to initialize these later steps. If you decide to remove the Initial Questions step you may wish to create a custom, automated step which will provide default answers for the questions asked!

Adding one or more optional steps

  1. Locate the <submission-process> tag which defines the Submission Process that you are using. If you are unsure which Submission Process you are using, it's likely the one with name="traditional", since this is the traditional DSpace submission process.
  2. Uncomment (i.e. remove the <!-- and -->) the <step> tag(s) which you want to add to that <submission-process> tag. Be sure to uncomment the entire <step> tag (i.e. everything between and including the opening <step> and closing </step> tags).

Assigning a custom Submission Process to a Collection
