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Beth Stern
Mark Leggott

Call-in Info

No Format
Dial-in Number: (209) 647-1600
Skype: freeconferencecallhd.2096471600
Participant Code: 700672


  1. Integration with Islandora
    • DGI will be putting out the Vanilla SI app soon
    • That is needed for DfR
    • What is the most expedient path for integration
    1. Next steps
      1. Spin up Islandora/DfR Amazon instance
        • Will use DGI account
        • Duraspace will be able to spin up this same instance
        • Duraspace will be able to ssh into the instance
      2. Work out details of Amazon config
        • S3? EBS? instance-size?
        • Get in touch with Gervais
      3. Define content model
        • DGI will draw a content model diagram
        • Hierarchical directory/file model
        • Need to create some DfR test data (results of OCS, Object Creation Service)
        • Will likely use some standard RELS-EXT
      4. Need to define a DGI dev to help with content modelling
      5. Follow on with a test-bed the includes Shibboleth integration
        • Gervais is also the Shib and LDAP dev POC
      6. Collecting additional metadata beyond directory structure, etc will come in further iterations
  2. DfR/DGI Testbed
    • Reproducible dataset
    • Be able to bring up the environment on demand
  3. SI is in the process of transitioning from initial contract to second contract
    • Thorny will post interface suggestions
    • Initial metadata for archeology dataset is very minimal
    • Thorny to present at OR2012 on SI work
  4. Dan, Mark, and Thorny are planning on have offline discussion on python workflow engine
    • Interest in technology selection
    • Interest in existing tools
    • Thorny interested in getting mind-share from full DfR team on tooling
  5. Mark/Jonathan Future Discussions
    1. Professional services contract
    2. Future collaborations


  1. Thorny: to ask if subset of SI data can be used in DfR testing
  2. (tick) Andrew: to create strawman timeline based on steps above
  3. (tick) Andrew: to set up wiki space for management