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  • Updates

    • DCAT UX Working Group (update from Colin Lukens)
      • Working with collaborators at UX programs at DSpace institutions
      • Schools collaborated with a testing script. Working group then created assets and worked with Lyrasis to get these into theD8 demo site.
      • Currently recruiting UX testers (many who are totally new to DSpace). 
      • WG will collect data from the testers on their experiences, then collate the data, assess and analyze the feedback. 
      • WG will bring this feedback to DCAT later this year / early 2025. 
      • Information will also be shared with national user groups for input, then to Steering/Leadership groups for discussion. 
      • Unlikely that any recommendations will impact DSpace 9. 
    • News from Leadership (update from Kimberly Chapman)
      • Special meeting of Leadership to discuss planning and priorities for DSpace 9 and 10. DSpace Release 9.0 Status
      • Plan is to have a new release every spring
      • Focus for D9 has not yet been determined
      • Much of the development for D9 is currently focused on technical/infrastructure improvements
      • Will likely have another testathon in early spring prior to D9 release

    • Call for DCAT Chair 2024-2025 (November 2024 - October 2025)
      • Kimberly will send the announcement to the DCAT Google Group; DSpace Steering appoints the new Chair
    • Guest presenter at October meeting (accessibility)

Discussion Topic: DSpace 8 Documentation

  • 3 main themes emerged from our last meeting
    • 1. Introduction to DSpace
      • Foundational overview for new repository managers or are new to DSpace
    • 2. Task oriented documentation
      • E.g., how to set up a submission form, how to set up an embargo, etc.
    • 3. Advanced configuration settings
      • E.g., developer requests (tasks/features you can’t do from the admin UI)
  • Aiming for a more lightweight approach as we are all volunteering our time
    • Some documentation is better than no documentation
  • Lots of enthusiasm in last meeting for sharing documentation from own institutions
    • Remove any locally specific information, repurpose the general info

  • Preparing for the documentation
    • Timing for writing docs? What works best for folks?
      • On your own time? Testing ‘jog’? (2 or 3 weeks)
      • Various comments
        • "I think it would be nice for folks to divide themselves into subgroups to have clearer goals.
        • I also like the idea of a jog.”
        • “Focused time would be helpful for people to schedule dedicated time to work on this.
        • I also like some space between a couple 2-week time frames - could make it easier for more people to participate depending on their interests and abilities.”
    • Suggestion to solicit submissions of existing documentation from schools which can then be repurposed

  • Next steps
    • First step: Set up working groups for the 3 themes via call on DCAT Google Group, then we can decide on dates
  • Additional comments:
    • Welcome volunteers to write in multiple languages
    • Okay to get started right away by adding pages to the wiki 
    • Suggestion to ask community what docs they need or would like to see improved

Next Steps

  • Kimberly will send a call to DCAT Google Group for working groups and call for new chair

Thanks to notetaker, Julia Gilmore.

Preparing for the call

If you can join the call, or are willing to comment on the topics submitted via the meeting page, please add your name, institution, and repository URL to the Call Attendees section below.  


Kimberly Chapman , University of Arizona Libraries

Holger Lenz , Lyrasis

Iryna Kuchma EIFL

Carolyn Sullivan , Université d'Ottawa, Canada

Peter Sutton-Long , University of Cambridge

Fede Federico Verlicchi , 4Science

Gary Maixner, Indiana University Indianapolis

Colin Lukens, Harvard Library

Jadeen Young , Lyrasis

Jen Cwiok , Lyrasis

Jere Odell , Indiana University Indianapolis

Marcella Huggard , Lyrasis

Marianne Reed , University of Kansas

Melissa Anez , Lyrasis

Genny Jon , York University, Toronto

Priscilla Carmini ,University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario

Jadeen Philip Young , LyrasisVirginia Tech

Pierre Lasou, Université Laval

Marcella Huggard , Lyrasis

Holger Lenz , Lyrasis

Philip Young , Virginia Tech

Priscilla Carmini ,University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario

Anne Shelley Anne Shelley, Iowa State University
