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XMLUI Internationalization

The XML user interface XMLUI supports multiple languages through the use of internationalization catalogues as defined by the Cocoon Internationalization Transformer. Each catalog contains the translation of all user-displayed strings into a particular language or variant. Each catalog is a single xml file whose name is based upon the language it is designated for, thus:


After rebuilding DSpace, any messages files placed in this directory will be automatically included in the XMLUI web application (and files of the same name will override any default files). By default this full directory path may not exist (if not, just create it) or may be empty. You can place any number of translation catalogues in this directory. To add additional translations, just add alternative versions another copy of the messages.xml file in translated into the specific language and country variants as needed for your installationvariant you need.

To set a language other than English as the default language for the repository's interface, you can simply rename the translation catalogue for the new default language to "messages.xml"set default.locale in dspace.cfg (this will work only if webui.supported.locales is uncommented and contains the value used in default.locale).

Again, note that you will need to rebuild DSpace for these changes to take effect in your installed XMLUI web application!


The Java Standard Tag Library v1.0 is used to specify messages in the JSPs like this:


Code Block
<H1>Search Results</H1>


Code Block
<H1><fmt:message key=""/></H1>

This message can now be changed using the config/language-packs/ file. (This must be done at build-time: is placed in the dspace.war Web application file.)

Code Block = Search Results

Phrases may have parameters to be passed in, to make the job of translating easier, reduce the number of 'keys' and to allow translators to make the translated text flow more appropriately for the target language.


Code Block
<P>Results <%= r.getFirst() %> to <%= r.getLast() %> of <%=r.getTotal() %></P>


Code Block
<fmt:message key="">
  <fmt:param><%= r.getFirst() %></fmt:param>
  <fmt:param><%= r.getLast() %></fmt:param>
  <fmt:param><%= r.getTotal() %></fmt:param>

(Note: JSTL 1.0 does not seem to allow JSP <%= %> expressions to be passed in as values of attribute in <fmt:param value=""/>)

The above would appear in the file as:

Code Block = Results {0}-{1} of {2} 

Introducing number parameters that should be formatted according to the locale used makes no difference in the message key compared to string parameters:

Code Block = {0} bytes

In the JSP using this key can be used in the way belovbelow:

Code Block
<fmt:message key="">
  <fmt:param><fmt:formatNumber><%= bitstream.getSize()%></fmt:formatNumber></fmt:param>

(Note: JSTL offers a way to include numbers in the message keys as = {0,number} bytes. Setting the parameter as <fmt:param value="${variable}" /> workes  works when variable is a single variable name and doesn't work when trying to use a method's return value instead: bitstream.getSize(). Passing the number as string (or using the <%= %> expression) also does not work, either).)

Multiple can be created for different languages. See ResourceBundle.getBundle. e.g. you can add German and Canadian French translations:

Code Block

The end user's browser settings determine which language is used by default (the user can change the language by clicking a link in the UI - these links are visible if more than one language is configured in DSpace). The English language file (or the default server locale) will be used as a default fallback if there's no language bundle for the end user's preferred language. (Note that the English file is not called – this is so because it is always available as a defaultfallback, regardless of server configuration.)

Message Key Convention

When translating further pages, please follow the convention for naming message keys to avoid clashes.

For text in JSPs use the complete path + filename of the JSP , then followed by a onesingle-word name for the message. e.g. for the title of jsp/mydspace/main.jsp use:

Code Block

Some common words (e.g. "Help") can be brought out into keys starting starting with jsp. for ease of translation (however, this is generally discouraged - two strings appearing in two places in the UI should have separate keys, even if the strings are identical), e.g.:

Code Block
jsp.admin = Administer

Other common words/phrases are brought out into '"general' " parameters if they relate to a set (directory) of JSPs, e.g.

Code Block = Delete

Phrases that relate strongly to a topic (eg. MyDSpace) but used in many JSPs outside the particular directory are more convenient to be cross-referenced. For example one could use the key below in jsp/submit/saved.jsp to provide a link back to the user's MyDSpace area:

(Cross-referencing of keys in general is not a good idea as it may make maintenance more difficult. But in some cases it has more advantages as the meaning is obvious.)

Code Block
jsp.mydspace.general.goto-mydspace = Go to My DSpace

For text in servlet code, in custom JSP tags or wherever applicable use the fully qualified classname + a one-word name for the message. e.g.

Code Block = Title

Latest language files

The JSPUI language files are updated and released separately from the DSpace core project. Visit the dspace-api-lang project on Github.

Internationalization of Metadata

DSpace stores a language value together with the actual metadata fields. associates each metadata field value with a language code (though it may be left empty, e.g. for numeric values).