Versions Compared


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  1. Dragan Ivanovic (star) 
  2. Brian Lowe 
  3. Bridget Almas
  4. Stefano PinelliWilliam Welling 
  5. Georgy Litvinov 
  6. Miloš Popović 
  7. Ivan Mrsulja 
  8. Michel HéonChristian Hauschke 



Corresponding author -

Dragan and Brian discussed the issue of supporting a 'corresponding author' flag in their software. Dragan raised the question of whether this feature was important to their clients and whether it should be configurable. Brian confirmed that it was a reasonable feature to include, and that it was already included in the ontology. They agreed that the feature should be supported in the platform, with the default setting being unasserted. The discussion also revealed that this feature was requested by a client (Hanover).

Dockerized VIVO update and vivo-home -

Georgy opened a ticket. Ivan tried to reproduce the issue. William will probably work on a fix for this. 

Docker images

There is only an image at docker hub with tag latest. Dragan thinks we might consider adding latest-release (or latest-stable) and latest-demo (latest-release+sample data+test user accounts). This might be also further discussed at committers’ meeting. 

Documentation on file upload -

Markus Kotte requested to add user documentation about uploading files in VIVO (with screenshots if possible). Dragan will work on this. 

Faculty of 1000 link -

There is some level of uncertainty about url types which should be present in the VIVO ontology. At the moment there is a Faculty of 1000 and URL, but it might be extended in the future with preprints or self-archiving urls. However, the default URL type for the web page faux property modification page is Faculty of 1000 which is confusing. Brian thinks it would be great if we can fix this without waiting for the ontology improvements, but setting URL as the default type. 

Remove filegraph/validation.n3 -

Dragan sought advice from Brian on potential consequences of this removal and how to investigate any unforeseen issues. Christian identified a property in the Vivo ontology code that does not exist elsewhere and is believed to be an artifact from an old ORCID integration test. Brian agreed that the property, attached to a random individual, seems to be a result of a default namespace collision and recommended removing it.

VIVO slack license 

There will be a paid license for the VIVO workspace in the next 12 months enabling searching messages older than 90 days. There was some temporary issue with the license which was resolved by Lyrasis officers. 


No news/open calls for grants. 

Summer mode

The summer vacation mode for VIVO is over, meaning the meeting will be organized weekly, every Tuesday at 4pm. You can find the iCalendar file above. 

Draft notes in Google Docs
