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The indexer is configured using Spring.  Here is a sample configuration fragment showing two workers (saving RDF to disk, and syncing to a Jena Fuseki triplestore) and the framework for listening to events and connecting them with the workers:

No Format
  <!-- Worker #1: Copy object RDF to a Fuseki triplestore using SPARQL Update -->
  <bean id="sparqlUpdate" class="org.fcrepo.indexer.SparqlIndexer">
    <!-- base URL for triplestore subjects, PID will be appended -->
    <property name="prefix" value="http://localhost:${test.port:8080}/rest/objects/"/>
    <property name="queryBase" value="http://localhost:3030/test/query"/>
    <property name="updateBase" value="http://localhost:3030/test/update"/>
    <property name="formUpdates">
      <value type="java.lang.Boolean">false</value>

  <!-- Worker #2: Save object RDF to timestamped files on disk -->
  <bean id="fileSerializer" class="org.fcrepo.indexer.FileSerializer">
    <property name="path" value="./target/test-classes/fileSerializer/"/>

  <!-- Main indexer class that processes events, gets RDF from the repository and calls the workers -->
  <bean id="indexerGroup" class="org.fcrepo.indexer.IndexerGroup">
    <property name="repositoryURL" value="http://localhost:${test.port:8080}/rest/objects/" />
    <property name="indexers">
        <ref bean="fileSerializer"/>
        <ref bean="sparqlUpdate"/>

  <!-- ActiveMQ queue to listen for events -->
  <bean id="destination" class="org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQTopic">
    <constructor-arg value="fedora" />

  <!-- Message listener container to connect the JMS queue to the indexer -->
  <bean id="jmsContainer" class="org.springframework.jms.listener.DefaultMessageListenerContainer">
    <property name="connectionFactory" ref="connectionFactory"/>
    <property name="destination" ref="destination"/>
    <property name="messageListener" ref="indexerGroup" />
    <property name="sessionTransacted" value="true"/>

To use another triplestore, change the SparqlIndexer bean configuration.  Here is the bean configuration to use with Sesame running on port 8081:

No Format
  <!-- Worker #1: Copy object RDF to a Sesame triplestore using SPARQL Update -->
  <bean id="sparqlUpdate" class="org.fcrepo.indexer.SparqlIndexer">
    <!-- base URL for triplestore subjects, PID will be appended -->
    <property name="prefix" value="http://localhost:${test.port:8080}/rest/objects/"/>
    <property name="queryBase" value="http://localhost:8081/openrdf-sesame/repositories/test"/>
    <property name="updateBase" value="http://localhost:8081/openrdf-sesame/repositories/test/statements"/>
    <property name="formUpdates">
      <value type="java.lang.Boolean">true</value>

Extending the Indexer

To implement a new kind of indexer:
