Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Meta analysis of sprint process
  2. Summarize final state
  3. Walking through in-process and unstarted tickets
  4. Teeing up for next sprint



  1. Slow getting started
  2. Short sprint
  3. Local interruptions continue to interfer with pace
  4. Learned quite a bit
    • Could be helpful to post Intellij code formatter
    • It is frustrating not to be able to work at a quick enough pace
  5. First tasks should be "training" tasks
  6. Consider smaller tasks, such as
    • create git repo, setup
    • organize dependency management
Lessons Learned
  1. Need to create new tasks instead of rolling it into the current task
  2. Slow to build and test when updates are in different modules
    • Try: mvn -pl ..., or mvn -am ..., or mvn -amd ...
  3. Need to run full builds regularly to detect lurking issues
  4. 'mvn clean' is needed to wipe out objects/cache between webapp runs


  1. Both AuthN/Z and Fedora3->4 are only at the point where committers can evaluate
