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 Data typeExample data

"Terminological data"

The data that defines Defines classes, properties, and relationships in your ontology.

a owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ;
rdfs:label "Person"@en .
a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:prefLabel, foaf:name, rdfs:label ;
rdfs:domain foaf:Person ;
rdfs:label "preferred name"@en .

"Assertion data"

The data that enumerates Enumerates the individual instances of your classes and describes them.

a foaf:Person ;
ex:preferredName "Toby Inkster" .

The TBox and the ABox together, treated as a single model.

For example, when you use the RDF tools to remove statements, you want them removed regardless of whether they are found in the TBox or the ABox.



Statement typeMeaningExample data
AssertionsThe RDF statements Statements that you explicitly add to the model, either through setup, ingest, or editing.local:tobyink rdfs:type core:FacultyMember .
InferencesThe RDF statements Statements that the semantic reasoner adds to the model, by reasoning about the assertions, or about other inferences.
local:tobyink rdfs:type foaf:Person .
local:tobyink rdfs:type foaf:Agent . 
local:tobyink rdfs:type owl:Thing . 

The combination of Assertions and Inferences.

For most purposes, this is the desired model. You want to know what statements are available, without regard to whether they were asserted or inferred.


"Content" vs. "



We sometimes distinguish between the data that VIVO is serving (Content) and the data that VIVO itself uses (ContextConfiguration). The Content is available for display, for searching, for serving as Linked Open Data. The Context Configuration controls how the content is displayed, who can access the data, and what VIVO itself looks like.

Model typePurposeExamples
ContextConfigurationData about the VIVO application itself.

Configuration dataApplication parameters

User Accounts

Display options

ContentThe payload - the data that VIVO is intended to distribute.

People data

Publications data

Grant data



The Request lifespan is used extensively, since it provides a convenient way to manage database connections and minimize contention for resources.

Purpose vs. scope


TBD - unfiltered is not the same as larger scope.

unfiltered per request is more efficient than unfiltered from context.

 It is tempting to think of the models of the Servlet Context as equivalent to the unfiltered models of the Request. And in fact, they may represent the very same data. However, the unfiltered models in the Request go out of scope when the Request has been satisfied. As such, it is much easier to manage the resources required by these models. By contrast, the models of the Servlet Context never go out of scope until VIVO is shut down. Any resources such as database connections or processor memory are not easily reclaimed from these models.

Initializing the Models


TBD - Mention the criteria, the file paths. Include the filegraph and other directories and files.
