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DataCite wants to get metadata of the objects the DOIs addresses. The DataCite Schema ( defines a XML structure to describe the metadata of an object. We developed a DIM2DataCite crosswalk that takes the metadata of a DSpace Item and transforms it into a XML using DataCite Schema 2.2. As far as I know, EZID does not use this XML so that probably another crosswalk is needed. It should be discussed (see below or in the JIRA ticket) how we want to deal with metadata updates as the API for external identifiers does not define a mechanism to update metadata for external identifer yet.

How to Test

To test our code, you will need a login to be able to use the DataCite Test API. The test system can be found here: This URL is currently used for the API in dspace/config/spring/api/identier-service.xml. In this file you have to remove to comments around the bean for the DOIIdentifier and arround the bean for the DataCiteConnector. In dspace.cfg you'll have to configure the properties identifier.doi.user, identifier.doi.password, identifier.doi.prefix and idnetifier.doi.namespaceseparator. As user you can use "TIB.DSPACE", as password "duraspace", as Prefix 10.0128 and as namespace separator a string that you don't expect anyone else to use. DOIs that gets registered with this settings will be deleted regularly. DOIs that gets registered with this properties must address an item usinig as domain (or any subdomain below it). So you have to configure dspace.url to include as domain (sorry, that is a rule of our DOI registration agency)!


The DSpace wiki tells as to get in touch with the developer community early. A first version of a DOIIdentivierProvider is complete. An interface for a DOIConnector is defined. We were able to reserve, register and delete DOIs at the test API of DataCite. All the code can be found in our DSpace repository on github, in the branch DOI:


The other person helping me was Fabian Fürste a collegue here at TU Berlin. Thanks goes to him as well.

I also want to thank TIB Hannover for providing a test account to the DSpace community.