Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In DSpace, by default, duplicate tasks in a Curation System queue will each be processed individually. So, that means if an Item is updated 10 times, it will appear in the queue 10 times, and its AIP will be (re-)generated and (re-)transmitted to storage 10 times when that queue is processed.  (Transmission DuraCloud Note: Some storage platforms, e.g. DuraCloud, provide a way to determine whether a newly generated AIP actually differs from the one in replica storage. So, in the case of DuraCloud storage, the AIP will be re-generated 10 times, but it will only be transmitted to DuraCloud ONCE. The other 9 times, the DuraCloud storage plugin will determine that the checksum of the new AIP is identical to the one in DuraCloud and skip the transmission step.  See How DuraCloud storage works section above for more info.)





To help resolve this issue of potentially running many duplicate tasks when you process the replication queue, the Replication Task Suite provides a specialized "FilteredFileTaskQueue" (org.dspace.ctask.replicate.FilteredFileTaskQueue) which can be enabled.  The "FilteredFileTaskQueue", acts similar to the default "FileTaskQueue" (used by the DSpace Curation System), but it first filters out any known duplicate entries (lines) before the queue is processed. A duplicate entry is one that performs the exact same task(s) on the exact same object. 

For example, given a queue file that looks like (note, the format of each entry in the queue is: "[username]|[timestamp]|[tasks]|[obj-handle]")

Code Block|123456789|transmitaip|10673/0|123456790|transmitaip|10673/1|123456791|transmitaip|10673/0|123456792|transmitaip|10673/0

The default "FileTaskQueue" will execute all four entries in this queue, whereas the "FilteredFileTaskQueue" will only execute the first two entries (as entries #3 and #4 would be considered duplicates of entry #1).

To enable the FilteredFileTaskQueue, you would need to change the queue class specified in the [dspace]/config/modules/curate.cfg file and restart DSpace:

Code Block
## task queue implementation = org.dspace.curate.FileTaskQueue = org.dspace.ctask.replicate.FilteredFileTaskQueue

Please note: this change to curate.cfg will cause the entire DSpace Curation System (not just the Replication Task Suite tasks) to utilize the FilteredFileTaskQueue for queuing.  This should not cause any issues with other tasks, as the FilteredFileTaskQueue is an extension of FileTaskQueue, but it's worth noting that this change will effect all curation tasks. 

Additional Options

Configuring usage of Checkm manifest validation
