Versions Compared


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Comment: Minor edits to wording


  • GitHub login. This lets you add a comment to any PR you test, letting developers know if you found problems or if all your tests were successful.
  • GIT
  • Install GitHub CLI.  This makes it easier to "checkout" (i.e. download) the PR code so you can test it.
  • Install Docker Desktop. This is the easiest way to get a DSpace backend installed locally for testing new (frontend or backend) PRs.
    • Windows 11: ensure Hyper-V are turned on in the Windows Features (TO ADD). May require administrator rights on the computer.
    • Once installed, you will be required to restart your computer. When first launched, an error may appear mentioning that WSL for Windows is needed. If so, install WSL. When Installing WSL you will be asked for a Linux Distro.
    • NOTE: Docker recently changed their service agreement, but Docker remains free for personal use or non-commercial open source projects like DSpace.
    • NOTE for Windows 10: Docker Desktop can sometimes become a bit "memory-hungry" when it is running.  It's best to either disable the "Start Docker Desktop when you log in" setting (so that it only runs when needed).  Alternatively, if you are using the default WSL2 backend, you can create a ".wslconfig" file in your user directory and limit the amount of memory you let Docker use (at least 4-8GB is recommended if you can spare it):

      Code Block

All set for softwaresCongratulations!  You have installed the required software!

Step 2: Set up DSpace Docker

This step must be followed after all software listed in step one are installed, . For detail additional details and most more up-to-date information on DSpace Docker files and configurations, you can refere refer to the documentation on DSpace Github (Docker Compose files for DSpace Backend and Angular Docker Compose files)
