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Comment: Removed broken link to Shibboleth installation instructions

Table of Contents

Stackable Authentication Method(s)


Configuring Shibboleth Authentication (DSpace 1.8.0)

titleAdditional Instructions

Detailed instructions for installing Shibboleth on DSpace 1.5.x may be found at

Once it has been enabled (see above), Shibboleth Authentication is configured via its own [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-shibboleth.cfg file.


Configuration File:




Example Value:

email-header = MAIL

Informational Note:

The option specifies that the email comes from the mentioned header. This value is CASE-Sensitive.



Example Value:

firstname-header = SHIB-EP-GIVENNAME

Informational Note:

Optional. Specify the header that carries the user's first name. This is going to be used for the creation of new-user.



Example Value:

lastname-header = SHIB-EP-SURNAME

Informational Note:

Optional. Specify the header that carries user's last name. This is used for creation of new user.



Example Value:

email-use-tomcat-remote-user = true

Informational Note:

This option forces the software to acquire the email from Tomcat.



Example Value:

autoregister = true

Informational Note:

Option will allow new users to be registered automatically if the IdP provides sufficient information (and the user does not exist in DSpace).


Code Block

Example Value:

Code Block
role-header = Shib-EP-ScopedAffiliation
role-header.ignore-scope = true


Code Block
role-header = Shib-EP-UnscopedAffiliation
role-header.ignore-scope = false

Informational Note:

These two options specify which attribute that is responsible for providing user's roles to DSpace and unscope the attributes if needed. When not specified, it is defaulted to 'Shib-EP-UnscopedAffiliation', and ignore-scope is defaulted to 'false'. The value is specified in AAP.xml (Shib 1.3.x) or attribute-filter.xml (Shib 2.x). The value is CASE-Sensitive. The values provided in this header are separated by semi-colon or comma. If your service provider (SP) only provides scoped role header, you need to set role-header.ignore-Scope as 'true'. For example if you only get Shib-EP-ScopedAffiliation instead of Shib-EP-ScopedAffiliation, you name to make your settings as in the example value above.



Example Value:

default-roles = Staff, Walk-ins

Informational Note:

When user is fully authN or IdP but would not like to release his/her roles to DSpace (for privacy reasons?), what should the default roles be given to such user. The values are separated by semi-colon or comma.


Code Block
role.Senior\ Researcher

Example Value:

Code Block
role.Senior\ Researcher = Researcher, Staff
role.Librarian = Administrator

Informational Note:

The following mappings specify role mapping between IdP and Dspace. The left side of the entry is IdP's role (prefixed with 'role.') which will be mapped to the right entry from DSpace. DSpace's group as indicated on the right entry has to EXIST in DSpace, otherwise user will be identified as 'anonymous'. Multiple values on the right entry should be separated by comma. The values are CASE-Sensitive. Heuristic one-to-one mapping will be done when the IdP groups entry are not listed below (i.e. if 'X' group in IdP is not specified here, then it will be mapped to 'X' group in DSpace if it exists, otherwise it will be mapped to simply 'anonymous'). Given sufficient demand, future release could support regex for the mapping special characters need to be escaped by '\'


  1. See the HTTPS installation instructions to configure your Web server. If you are using HTTPS with Tomcat, note that the <Connector> tag must include the attribute clientAuth="true" so the server requests a personal Web certificate from the client.
  2. Add the org.dspace.authenticate.X509Authentication plugin first to the list of stackable authentication methods in the value of the configuration key

    Configuration File:



    Example Value:

    Code Block = \
     org.dspace.authenticate.X509Authentication, \


Configuration File:


  1. You must also configure DSpace with the same CA certificates as the web server, so it can accept and interpret the clients' certificates. It can share the same keystore file as the web server, or a separate one, or a CA certificate in a file by itself. Configure it by oneof these methods, either the Java keystore

    Code Block
    keystore.path =  path to Java keystore file
    keystore.password =  password to access the keystore

    ...or the separate CA certificate file (in PEM or DER format):

    Code Block
    ca.cert =  path to certificate file for CA whose client certs to accept.
  2. Choose whether to enable auto-registration: If you want users who authenticate successfully to be automatically registered as new E-Persons if they are not already, set the autoregister configuration property to true. This lets you automatically accept all users with valid personal certificates. The default is false.
