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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


Wiki MarkupUnfortunately, there is no remote URL location for the sysdeo plugin. You will have to manually download the plugin and unzip it into the {{\[eclipse\]}}{{/plugins}} directory. Also, you will need to have Tomcat installed locally. Obtain the latest version of Tomcat from: []

Maven 2 Plugin (required for DSpace 1.5)


  1. Open the Tomcat preferences pane: Window -> Preferences -> Tomcat
  2. Select your installed Tomcat version, and its home page (hit Apply when finished). For example:
    • Tomcat Version: 6.x
    • Tomcat Home: /opt/tomcat6
  3. Under Tomcat -> Advanced, enter the Tomcat Base (hit Apply when finished). This should generally be the same as the Tomcat Home:
    • Tomcat Base: /opt/tomcat6
  4. Under _Tomcat \ -> JVM Settings_, you need to enter the JDK's {{tools.jar}} file for the "_Classpath (before generated classpath)_". You should find this in the directory {{\[installed jdk\]/lib/tools.jar}} *Note:* If you are using Mac OS X, the {{tools.jar}} library does not exist on the platform. Instead using {{classes.jar}} found at: {{/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/$\{JAVA_VERSION\}/Classes/classes.jar}}
  5. Under Tomcat -> Tomcat Manager App, enter a username and password for the desired manager user. If this user doesn't already exist hit "Add user to tomcat-users.xml" (hit Apply when finished)


(If you are working with DSpace 1.5 see the Working with DSpace 1.5 section after this)unmigrated-wiki-markup

_NEEDS UPDATING -- Not sure this actually works\! \ [15 Apr 2008\]_

Checking out DSpace as a Tomcat Project


  • dspace - The root module, which builds all of DSpace and holds the DSpace configurations
  • dspace-api - The DSpace API module, which contains all the primary business logic (Java code)
  • dspace-jspui - The JSP-based User Interface for DSpace
  • dspace-xmlui - The XML-based User Interface for DSpace (also known as Manakin)
    • dspace-xmlui-api - The primary API for the XML-UI for DSpace (including all Aspect Java code)
    • dspace-xmlui-wing - The Digital Repository Interface (DRI) API for XML-UI
    • dspace-xmlui-webapp - The XML-UI web application configurations (including all Aspect & Theme definitions)
  • dspace-oai - The OAI-PMH interface for DSpace
  • dspace-lni - The Lightweight Network Interface (LNI) for DSpace
    • dspace-lni-core - The primary API for LNI
    • dspace-lni-client - The client API for LNI (along with a simple sample client)
    • dspace-lni-webapp - The LNI web application configurations
  • {{dspace-sword}} \ - The SWORD \ [interface for DSpace
    • dspace-sword-api - The SWORD API
    • dspace-sword-webapp - The SWORD web application
  • language-packs - The Internalization (I18N) language packs for DSpace (Currently JSP-UI only - the I18N for Manakin is in the dspace-xmlui-webapp module)
  • pom.xml - The Maven module, which contains the primary Maven configurations to build DSpace



Eclipse no longer supports the "Enable Nested Modules" option described below. See: Removed

This is the simplest approach and therefore is highly recommended for any new/novice developers. This approach allows you to checkout DSpace 1.5 as a single Eclipse Project. However, it only allows you to define a single user interface to debug tools using the Eclipse Tomcat plugin.
