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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0
Code Block
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" %>

<%@ taglib uri=""
    prefix="fmt" %>

<%@ page import="org.dspace.core.Context" %>
<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ page import="org.dspace.content.Item" %>
<%@ page import="org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils" %>
<%@ page import="org.dspace.content.DCValue"%>
<%@ page import="" %>
<%@ page import="org.dspace.submit.AbstractProcessingStep" %>

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="dspace" %>

	// Obtain DSpace context
    Context context = UIUtil.obtainContext(request);

	// get submission information object
    SubmissionInfo subInfo = SubmissionController.getSubmissionInfo(context, request);
	Item item = subInfo.getSubmissionItem().getItem();

	// Retrieve error message
	Boolean identifierError = (Boolean)request.getAttribute("identifier.error");
	Boolean identifierInfo  = (Boolean)request.getAttribute("");

	// Get search value, first check request
	String pmidValue = request.getParameter("identifier_pmid");

    // Obtain a PubMed ID from the item's metadata if we don't have one in the attributes
	if (item != null && StringUtils.isEmpty(pmidValue))
		DCValue[] values = item.getMetadata("dc","identifier","pmid",Item.ANY);
		pmidValue = ((values == null || values.length < 1) ? "" : values[0].value);

<dspace:layout locbar="off"

    <form action="<%= request.getContextPath() %>/submit" method="post" onkeydown="return disableEnterKey(event);">

        <jsp:include page="/submit/progressbar.jsp" />

        <%-- <h1>Submit: Describe Your Item</h1> --%>
		<h1><fmt:message key="jsp.submit.pubmed-prefill.heading"/></h1>
		<p><fmt:message key="jsp.submit.pubmed-prefill.elem1"/></p>
		<p><fmt:message key="jsp.submit.pubmed-prefill.elem4"/></p>

        <%-- If you have a PubMed ID you can enter it below... --%>
        <fmt:message key="jsp.submit.pubmed-prefill.elem2"/><br><br>
            <table class="miscTable">
            if ((identifierError != null) && identifierError.booleanValue())
%>				<tr>
           		  		 <span class="submitFormWarn"><fmt:message key="jsp.submit.pubmed-prefill.error.identifier"/></span>

            if ((identifierInfo !=null) && identifierInfo.booleanValue())
						 <span class="submitFormWarn"><fmt:message key=""/></span>
			    <tr><td align="center">
                    <table border="0"><tbody>
                            <td class="submitFormValue" align="right" valign="middle">
                                <fmt:message key="jsp.submit.pubmed-prefill.pubmid.label" />
                            <td class="submitFormValue" align="left" valign="middle">
                                <input name="identifier_pmid" type="text"   value="<%= (pmidValue == null ? "":pmidValue) %>" onchange="disableInput(this,identifier_doi)" />
                                <input name="original_pmid"   type="hidden" value="<%= (pmidValue == null ? "":pmidValue) %>" />
            // If we are prefilling the PubMed ID (ie. the submission or item has a PMID already
            // output a 'force refresh' checkbox - we won't overwrite the existing metadata on submission
            // unless this is selected
            if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(pmidValue))
					<input name="force_refresh" type="checkbox" value="true" />
					<fmt:message key="jsp.submit.pubmed-prefill.forcerefresh.label" />
	        <%-- If you want to enter your own metadata or do not have one of the above IDs then simply use the "Next&gt;" button below to go straight to the submission form. --%>
			<fmt:message key="jsp.submit.pubmed-prefill.elem3"/><br/><br/>

		<%-- Hidden fields needed for SubmissionController servlet to know which step is next--%>
        <%= SubmissionController.getSubmissionParameters(context, request) %>
            <table border="0" width="80%">
					<td width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
				<%  //if not first step, show "Previous" button
					if(!SubmissionController.isFirstStep(request, subInfo))
					{ %>
                        <input type="submit" name="<%=AbstractProcessingStep.PREVIOUS_BUTTON%>" value="<fmt:message key="jsp.submit.general.previous"/>" />
				<%  } %>
                        <input type="submit" name="<%=AbstractProcessingStep.NEXT_BUTTON%>" value="<fmt:message key=""/>" />
                    <td align="right">
                        <input type="submit" name="<%=AbstractProcessingStep.CANCEL_BUTTON%>" value="<fmt:message key="jsp.submit.general.cancel-or-save.button"/>" />

<script language="javascript">
function disableInput(activeField, disabledField){
	if(activeField.value !=''){
		disabledField.value ='';
		disabledField.disabled = true;
		disabledField.disabled = false;