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Wiki Markup
The OAI-PMH response is an XML file. While OAI-PMH is primarily used by harvesting tools and usually not directly by humans, sometimes it can be useful to look at the OAI-PMH requests directly - usually when setting it up for the first time or to verify any changes you make. For these cases, XOAI provides an XSLT stylesheet to transform the response XML to a nice looking, human-readable and interactive HTML. The stylesheet is linked from the XML response and the transformation takes place in the user's browser. Most automated tools are interested only in the XML file itself and will not perform the transformation. If you want, you can change which stylesheet will be used by placing it into the {{\[dspace\]/webapps/xoai/static}} directory (or into the {{\[dspace-src\]/dspace-xoai/dspace-xoai-webapp/src/main/webapp/static}} after which you have to rebuild DSpace), modifying the "stylesheet" attribute of the "Configuration" element in {{\[dspace\]/config/modules/xoai/xoai.xml}} and restarting your servlet container.


Basic Configuration

<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="63422f14-b8d8-433c-b7a4-b03e1d0db8a7"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Configuration File:





Example Value:

storage = solr

Information Note:

This allows to choose the OAI data source between solr and database



Example Value:

solr.url = ${default.solr.server}/oai

Informational Note:

Solr Server location



Example Value:

identifier.prefix = ${dspace.hostname}

Informational Note:

OAI persistent identifier prefix. Format - oai:PREFIX:HANDLE



Example Value:

config.dir = ${dspace.dir}/config/modules/oai

Informational Note:

Configuration directory, used by XOAI (core library). Contains xoai.xml, metadata format XSLTs and transformer XSLTs.



Example Value:

cache.dir = ${dspace.dir}/var/oai

Informational Note:

Directory to store runtime generated files (for caching purposes).

Advanced Configuration

OAI 2.0 provides an advanced configuration allowing you to configure:

  • Contexts
  • Transformers
  • Metadata Formats
  • Filters
  • Sets

It's a XML file commonly located at: ${dspace.dir}/config/modules/oai/xoai.xml

Add/Remove Metadata Formats

Each context could have it's own metadata formats. So to add/remove metadata formats to/from it, just need add/remove it's reference within xoai.xml, for example, imagine one need to remove the XOAI schema from:

Code Block

<Context baseurl="request">
  <Format refid="oaidc" />
  <Format refid="mets" />
  <Format refid="xoai" />
  <Format refid="didl" />
  <Format refid="dim" />
  <Format refid="ore" />
  <Format refid="rdf" />
  <Format refid="etdms" />
  <Format refid="mods" />
  <Format refid="qdc" />
  <Format refid="marc" />
  <Format refid="uketd_dc" />

Then one would have:

Code Block

<Context baseurl="request">
  <Format refid="oaidc" />
  <Format refid="mets" />
  <Format refid="didl" />
  <Format refid="dim" />
  <Format refid="ore" />
  <Format refid="rdf" />
  <Format refid="etdms" />
  <Format refid="mods" />
  <Format refid="qdc" />
  <Format refid="marc" />
  <Format refid="uketd_dc" />