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Attendees: Chris, Eddie, Dan, Adam


See notes on IRC.

02 == Dan_Davis 4a4f9413@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #duraspace
02 DuraLogBot This channel is logged - Added
07 <cwilper> (fedora committer meeting starting) First item: 3.6 Readiness
08 <Dan_Davis> Eddie: Three blockers
08 <eddies> Added
08 <kompewter> [ #FCREPO-1047 Auto checksums don't work on ingest - DuraSpace JIRA ] - Added
09 <Dan_Davis> Chris: FCREPO-1047 is blocker and needs some explanation
10 <Dan_Davis> Eddie: FCREP-954 Jerry Pan
11 <Dan_Davis> Eddie: Chris: Its been there a while and the work is good (and been reviewed)
12 <Dan_Davis> Chris: If there is a chance we need to get it in the release.
12 <Dan_Davis> Eddie: FC-REPO-1073 Use latest Akuba, it should be simple even in code freeze.
12 == ajs6f 893602f8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #duraspace
16 <Dan_Davis> Adam: FCREPO-1084 Small change to URL encoding
17 <Dan_Davis> Adam: Its done and can be merged but Chris needs to review. Ditto 893,
17 == tdonohue has joined #duraspace
17 <Dan_Davis> Adam: Ready to go.
18 <Dan_Davis> Chris: Anything else just waiting for review.
19 <Dan_Davis> Chris: Feels stongly about Rebecca's 1047 and 954
20 <Dan_Davis> Adam: Eddie was going to check.
20 <Dan_Davis> Eddie: Has pulled it but has not had time to fully check it out.
21 <eddies> git pull --rebase upstream master
23 <Dan_Davis> Chris: Is it possible to cherry pick this across the branches.
25 <Dan_Davis> Eddie: Will try to look into this but has limited time this week.
27 <eddies> Chris will do FCREPO-1047, Adam will do FCREPO-1084, FCREPO-893, Eddie will do??? FCREPO-954
27 <eddies> aim for completion by tomorrow
29 <eddies> eddie will also do FCREPO-1073
38 <cwilper> Chris will test Windows/Oracle
40 <Dan_Davis> Dan: Adam: Sparql patch on Trippi, force rerelease of Trippi.
46 <eddies> ask frank about FCREPO-1023 (trippi status & release) and coax him to test w/ MPTStore
57 <eddies> i think i lost my connection
57 <eddies> everyone else still there?
58 <ajs6f> I just lost it too.
58 <ajs6f> Trying to reconnect.
58 <eddies> freeconferencecall seems to be having issue
58 <eddies> +s
58 <Dan_Davis> I am out too.
58 <ajs6f> Phooey.
59 <cwilper> yep...they've been spotty lately. time to look for another provider. i can't reconnect either.
59 <ajs6f> Hookay. Well, was that the end of discussion on releasing 3.6?
59 <cwilper> shall we finish just via irc?
59 <eddies> ok. well, i don't think i have anything further to add about testing 3.6 that can't wait
59 <ajs6f> Let's keep going via IRC< anyway.
59 <eddies> i need to swap to this hydra call now, though
00 <ajs6f> Bye, Eddie.
00 <eddies> i'll try to catch up on irc after
00 <ajs6f> Thanks for taking a bullet for me.
00 <ajs6f> The only other agenda items were re: OR2012.
01 <ajs6f> Chris-- any news re: the logistics for the face-to-face?
01 == PeterDietz ~peterdiet@ has quit Connection reset by peer
01 == PeterDietz ~peterdiet@ has joined #duraspace
01 <cwilper> Ok, summary of the last bit: Code freeze Sunday night. Testing and docs 'till the 19th, shooting for the 19th for release. This should ensure we get it out by our ultimate goal date of the 26th, with time for issue-fixing built in.
03 <cwilper> No more news on the face-to-face. But I was hoping to get a sense for how many of us are going to actually be there. I assume you're planning on it, Adam? I got the sense that Eddie will be there too.