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titleInitialization REST Methods

Initialize Application

  • Purpose: Allows the initialization of duraboss
  • Request: POST https://host:port/duraboss/init
  • Request Body: XML similar to:
    Code Block
        <username>[username for notification system]</username>
        <password>[password for notification system]</password>
        <originator>[from email address]</originator>
        <admin>[administrator email address]</admin>
  • Response Code: 200 (on success)
  • Response Body: "Initialization Successful" (on success)

Is Initialized

  • Purpose: Performs a check to determine if the DuraBoss application has been initialized
  • Request: GET https://host:port/duraboss/init
  • Response Code: 200 (if the application has been initialized), 503 (if the application has NOT been initialized)
  • Response Body: Text indicating whether initialization has occurred.
titleReporter: Storage Report REST Methods

Get Latest Storage Report

Get Storage Report List

Get Storage Report

Get Storage Report Info

  • Purpose: Provides a information about the current status of the storage reporting system
  • Request: GET https://host:port/duraboss/report/storage/info
  • Response Code: 200 (on success)
  • Response Body: XML, defined by the storage report XSD

Start Storage Report

  • Purpose: Starts a storage report if one is not already running
  • Request: POST https://host:port/duraboss/report/storage
  • Response Code: 200 (on success)
  • Response Body: "Report Started" (on success), or ""Report Already In Progress" (if a report is already in progress)

Cancel Storage Report

Schedule Storage Report

  • Purpose: Schedules a time for a storage report to be run
  • Request: POST https://host:port/duraboss/report/storage/schedule ? (startTime) (frequency)
    • startTime: time (in milliseconds since the epoch) to begin the next storage report
    • frequency: time (in milliseconds) to wait between running reports (minimum value is 600000)
  • Response Code: 200 (on success)
  • Response Body: "Storage reports scheduled" (on success)

Cancel Storage Report Schedule

titleReporter: Service Report REST Methods

Get Deployed Services Report

Get Completed Services Report

  • Purpose: Provides a listing of the most recent completed services
  • Request: GET https://host:port/duraboss/report/service ? (limit)
    • Parameter value for limit (optional) should indicate the maximum number of services to return in the report (default is 20, max is 1000)
  • Response Code: 200 (on success)
  • Response Body: XML, defined by the service report XSDs

Get Completed Services Report List

Get Services Report

titleAction Executor REST Methods

Get Executor Status

  • Purpose: Provides a status of the Executor, which is the collected status of all Action Handlers
  • Request: GET https://host:port/duraboss/exec
  • Response Code: 200 (on success)
  • Response Body: XML serialization of status map

Get Supported Executor Actions

  • Purpose: Provides a listing of the actions which the Executor can perform
  • Request: GET https://host:port/duraboss/exec/action
  • Response Code: 200 (on success)
  • Response Body: XML serialization of the action set
Executor Actions

Action Name


Request Body


Instructs the bit integrity handler to begin the process at a given time and at a given frequency

start-time,frequency (where start-time is epoch date in milliseconds and frequency is number of milliseconds)


Instructs the bit integrity handler to stop performing bit integrity checks and gracefully shut down



Starts the streaming service, so that media streaming can begin



Shuts down the streaming service, stops streaming of all media



Begin streaming all content in the given space

Name of the space to stream


Stop streaming content in the given space

Name of the space to end streaming

Perform an Executor Action

Shutdown Executor
