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Relevant DSpace component(s)

Detailed Description

Mentor volunteer(s)

Basic summary or project title

Which components does it relate to? (e.g. XMLUI, JSPUI, Solr, SWORD, API, etc)

More detailed description with any relevant links to past/current work

If you think you might be willing to mentor it, add your name!

Stop Using Email as User Identifier


Use of email address as a persistent identifier for the DSpace conflicts with the fact that email addresses are not persistent. Email addresses go away and/or are reassigned to other individuals. There are also policy concerns with Authenticators like Shibboleth and CAS that may or may not deliver an email address as a organizational policy.  
This Task is a placeholder to identify a solution to correct for the problem.  
1.) DSpace should use a different identifier / key for the EPerson (netid? or combination of "authenticator + netID")  
2.) DSpace should make providing an email address as optional for cases where the Authentication features lack this specific capability.  
3.) Issuing emails should be optional for accounts without email addresses.  
4.) Stop storing email address (or any other detail about who made the change) in dc.description.provenance field.  
One proposed solution to this problem is that the Authentication Method should be broken off of EPerson and stored separately, making EPerson a "Profile" and the method of Authentication be stored separately (Password, Certificate, LDAP, Shibboleth, CAS, Facebook, Google) Different AuthenticationMethods may store the data as they see fit. And the Profile would store only those local details for that user.  
See for more detail:


GFDAO (Generic Fedora Data Access Objects)


Bring together the storage-fedora and storage-triplestore projects to produce a Fedora store based persistence tier that includes use of SPARQL to retrieve "Related and/or Contained" Fedora Objects. Objective is: That once DSpace Communties, Collections, and Items are represented as Fedora Objects with relationships captured in RELS-EXT, then a data persistence and mapping layer will need to be engineered for DSpace / Fedora interaction. Such a Data Access tier will provide a suite of Domain Model Centric Data Access Objects that will provide a DOFM (DSpace Object Fedora Mapping). Semantic Queries will be utilized to acquire sub collections, sub-communities, Items and parent objects.  Further thought can be placed into creating a generic Fedora Data Access Object that is capable of resolving any RELS-EXT (or other rdf based relation for that matter).

Mark Diggory

Disseminator Framework


A Disseminator Framework will associate Disseminators with Items and/or Bitstreams,  Disseminators will combine METS file description and behavior sections to supply the user interface with a standard representation of the dissemination services that can be applied to a content bitstream in DSpace.  See for further background:

Mark Diggory

Extend Metadata Framework to Support Stronger Typing and Validation


Extend the DSpace Metadata Domain Model to support the following features:

  • Community, Collection and Bitstream Level Metadata
  • Create "ContentType" or "Classes" Domain Model for Items and Bitstreams that define Metadata Fields that Should / Could be Present and their occurence
  • Allow MetadataFields to define the appropriate Authority Controls that can be applied to them at the Domain Model level so that they can be used to inform Submission and Edit Forms (rather than using dspace.cfg properties.
  • Correct Dublin Core Model and Add More default namespaces (Dublin Core Terms, ETD, VRACore and BIBO Namespaces
    Research Applying METS more fully in the DSpace Domain Model
  • Allow Metadata "Files" that are stored in Bitstreams attached to Item but rendered in XMLUI and Descriptive, Administrative Metadata Sections
  • Allow Behaviors to be attached to Fiel Descriptions, Structure Maps, etc
  • Allow Structure Maps to be more descriptive of the contents of the item.
  • Describe and attach Bitstream level metadata as descriptive and administrative metadata sections
  • Describe and Attach Collection and or other relationships in administrative metadata sections (Similar to Fedora)
  • Formalize how "Relations" Between Items should be expressed in METS metadata (see Fedora Rels-Ext for examples).
    Create a Validation Service Capable of Reviewing the Metadata and Content of the Items, Create Curation Tasks that can call the Validation Service by the Repository Managers

Mark Diggory

Rewrite Packager Framework


Refactor Packagers to support Chain of Command
The packager framework in DSpace is rather rigid and unwheldy, an excellent project would refactor the Packager and Crosswalk frameworks to support more basic packagers and crosswalks.  DSPace METS SIP Packages and/or SWORD packages are not the only types of packages out there. in fact, METS was never meant to be "repository specific", but to be "content specific". A better Packager Framework would gracefully degrade based on features it could detect about the incoming content being ingested, even in the METS case, DSpace should be "Profile Agnostic" and accept any METS package to derive one or more DSpace items.

Mark Diggory

DSpace Core Domain Model


Domain Model
The Domain Model Project seeks to resurrect the DAO prototype work of James Rutherford and others to provide a cleaner mean to replace the underlying data storage tier in DSpace.  Such efforts will more than likely be pivotal in achieving a DSpace with Fedora inside integration. Likewise, anyone interested in providing support for additional database vendors will find the DAO refactoring project of value in terms of providing a separation of relations data storage away from the Domain and Business Services tier of the DSpace application.

Mark Diggory



DSpace is selected as an institutional repository platform for one special library for the blind (details come later). Its implementation/adaptation for institutional use is currently in progress (near end-stage). The institution would be willing to share some ideas, requirements and code already done in order to make solution widely available for institutions of similar type.

Some of important aspects and ideas of customizing DSpace for such purposes would be:

  • adopt it on such way that it provides higher usability for blind persons
  • create mobile application (Android, IOS...) which could provide blind users possibility to browse repository, download and listen books
  • provide member management interface for closed-type library repository
  • adopt DSpace components in order to better fit institutional needs of such libraries
  • provide better support for delivering secured content (DRM of PDF documents, Daisy books etc)

Bojan Suzic

Past Ideas for Potential DSpace GSoC projects
