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  • BAM! WOW! (Browsing Across Music With Obtainable Wikidata)
    • 2023-11-16
      • No recent sprint
      • Steven will write a summary of recent work – this will wrap up work on this for LD4P3
      • How do we continue this post-grant?
        • Will feed some of this into D&A but limited capacity for investigation and custom development
        • Should we do some planning work for D&A and build in exploration for innovation? There is an appetite for this work.
        • ACTION - Simeon to check on current plans with Jesi. Jason to check on meeting with Simeon/Bonna
        • ACTION - Jason will request that Steven be added the D&A User Reps group
    • 2023-11-30

Linked-Data Authority Support (WP2)

  • Qa Sinopia Collaboration - Meetings with Stanford will only occur on an as needed basis. Authority request issues: (prioritized based on "important" authorities and ease of completion)
    • 2023-11-15
      • Second sprint is wrapping up, lots of work completed
      • Got all lookups that were in the project board added. Steven added ISNI and dbpedia as extra - dbpedia added using sparql query but sometimes the query API times out – migth add this to Sinopia with a warning of timeout for non-specific queries
      • RDA terms all have local YAML files
      • MeSH being worked on - might not get finished
      • Christina cleaned up some errors
      • Matt succeeded with the upgrade to current version of Ruby etc.
      • Hope to push to production tomorrow and then Steven will add Sinopia configs for a final round of testing
      • Steven to get braindump of status from Matt and Christina at the end of the sprint, and update documentation
      • ACTION - Simeon to reach out to Lynette about updating qa_server on RubyGems, cc Matt
    • 2023-11-30
      • Steven added all of the direct LOC vocabs/authorities to Sinopia, Subjects and Names are working.
        • Waiting on the commits the rest to be deployed so Steven can do a final check that they are all working. Had an issue because the first time adding non-linked data lookup configs, and they need a flag to build correct URL for the API call.
      • Steven added RDA Aspect Ratio local (yml) lookup to Sinopia (first time adding local  lookup), if it works correctly, Steven will add all the others.
      • Wikidata direct lookup broke due to the Ruby/Rails/Gem updates. Troubleshooted, and Christina quickly made a fix to get it working again.
  • Best Practices for Authoritative Data working group (focus on Change Management)
    • 2023-11-15
      • Steven following up with Dave and Kevin on last section
      • Working to close in on v1
    • 2023-11-30
      • Kevin to write LOC part to conform to what Dave already wrote.
      • Simeon secured domain, and updated spec to remove gihub URLs.

Shared Cataloging Explorations
