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Attendees: Steven, Jason, Greg, Simeon


Discovery (WP3)

  • BAM! WOW! (Browsing Across Music With Obtainable Wikidata)
    • 2023-09-21
      • BAM! WOW! work was developed, tested, and released (in August). There's early discussions about building on this work in future D&A sprints, e.g. 
        • Current SPARQL queries limit to English literals, and we wonder about bringing in other labels for certain cases. Also questions of what is being indexed in the authority record. Might lead to later refinements.
        • Steven will ask if/how much info buttons are being used to consider improvements and justifying cataloging work to make connections between datasets, e.g. LCNAF and Wikidata.
    • 2023-09-28
      • Steven working with Melissa to surface knowledge card info earlier in user experience. Need fix for popup that doesn't work well with screen readers. Mobile version has link that avoids problem, Steven looking at solutions used elsewhere. Expecting this to be resolved in current sprint
        • Info button usage stats as of 2023-09-25
          • Author info button

            Date range: 1/1/22-/12/31/22

            # of clicks on the pop-up button: 2,827 (total number of item record page views is over 1 million)

            # of clicks on the mobile author button: 154 (Note that on mobile the button doesn’t pop up, it takes you to the author info page, so we are tracking clicks separately.)

      • Discussing with Huda the choice between click-to-search, KP links, and what info buttons mean. Where is the sweet spot for flattening data on the page vs forcing more clicks to separate pages This is more of a research topic at the moment, maybe mockup and test
      • Steven attended Discovery Affinity Group meeting regarding the next phase of LUX
    • 2023-10-19
      • Attended the Discovery Affinity Group session on PHAROS. Similar to LUX, aggregates data/images from various sources. Found OAI-PMH the easiest to work with, able to get updates easily.
