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titleSpace REST Methods

Get Spaces

  • Purpose: Provides a listing of all of the spaces that a customer has created
  • Request: GET https://host:port/durastore/spaces ? (storeID)
  • Response Code: 200 (on success)
  • Response Body: XML similar to:
    Code Block
      <space id="space1" />
      <space id="space2" />

Get Space

  • Purpose: Provides a listing of the contents of a space along with space properties
  • Request: GET https://host:port/durastore/spaceID ? (storeID) (prefix) (maxResults) (marker)
    • storeID (optional) - ID of the content storage provider to query (default is primary store)
    • prefix (optional) - Only retrieve content ids with this prefix (default is all content ids)
    • maxResults (optional) - The maximum number of content IDs to return in the list (default is 1000)
      note: the maximum allowable value for maxResults is 1000. Any larger value will be reduced to 1000.
    • marker (optional) - The content ID marking the last item in the previous set (default is the first set of ids)
  • Response Code: 200 (on success)
  • Response Body: XML similar to:
    Code Block
    <space id="space1">
      <item>Image 1</item>
      <item>Image 2</item>
  • Response Headers: All available space properties, example:
    Code Block
    x-dura-meta-space-count: 65
    x-dura-meta-space-access: OPEN
    x-dura-meta-space-created: Mon, 01 Jan 2000 08:00:00 EST
    x-dura-meta-custom-property: Custom Property Value

Get Space Properties

  • Purpose: Provides all space properties
  • Request: HEAD https://host:port/durastore/spaceID ? (storeID)
  • Response Code: 200 (on success)
  • Response Headers: Same as for Get space (above)

Get Space ACLs

  • Purpose: Provides all space ACLs, with values of 'r' (read) and 'w' (read/write)
  • Request: HEAD https://host:port/durastore/acl/spaceID ? (storeID)
  • Response Code: 200 (on success)
  • Response Headers: All available space ACLs, example:
    Code Block
    x-dura-meta-acl-user0: wWRITE
    x-dura-meta-acl-user1: wWRITE
    x-dura-meta-acl-group-curators: rREAD

Create Space

  • Purpose: Creates a new space
  • Request: PUT https://host:port/durastore/spaceID ? (storeID)
  • Request Headers: Properties about the space, example:
    Code Block
    x-dura-meta-space-access: OPEN
    x-dura-meta-custom-property: Custom Property Value
  • Response Code: 201 (on success)
  • Response Headers: Location of the new space (i.e. the URL used to create the space), example:
    Code Block
      Location: https://myhost:8080/durastore/space1

Set Space Properties

  • Purpose: Updates the properties associated with a space
  • Request: POST https://host:port/durastore/spaceID ? (storeID)
  • Request Headers: Same as Create space (above)
  • Response Code: 200 (on success)
  • Response Body: "Space $spaceID updated successfully" (on success)

Set Space ACLs

  • Purpose: Updates the ACLs associated with a space
  • Request: POST https://host:port/durastore/acl/spaceID ? (storeID)
  • Request Headers: Standard:
    Code Block
    x-dura-meta-acl-user0: WRITE
    x-dura-meta-acl-user1: WRITE
    x-dura-meta-acl-group-curators: READ
  • Response Code: 200 (on success)
  • Response Body: "Space $spaceID ACLs updated successfully" (on success)

Delete Space

  • Purpose: Deletes a space
  • Request: DELETE https://host:port/durastore/spaceID ? (storeID)
  • Response Code: 200 (on success)
  • Response Body: "Space $spaceID deleted successfully" (on success)
