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titleMore Information on where Odometer statistics are kept

Wiki Markup
The odometer statistics are stored in a small text file located at: {{\[base.dir\]/odometer}}, where {{\[base.dir\]}} is the value of the {{base.dir}} setting in your {{\[dspace\]/config/modules/replicate.cfg}} configuration file.  Should you ever need to reset your odometer, you can do so by moving or removing this existing {{odometer}} file.

Automation (optional)

While the coordinated use of the tasks described above can provide the basis for a solid replication strategy and practice, there are several processes that could necessitate a fair amount of curatorial work. For example, in the discussion on ensuring integrity of AIPs over time, we remarked that vigilance was required by the curator to transmit new AIPs whenever Items change. It is possible to leverage existing facilities in DSpace to substantially reduce this effort through automation.


Create a simple text file called 'include' and put the handle of the collection for 'Amazing Images' in it. You can add as many collections
(one per line) as you like. If you replicate all but a few collections, just name the file 'exclude' and list the collection handles you want to exclude.

Replica Storage

For the replication of AIPs to be of any significant value, they must be stored in a safe, persistent, reliable, accessible, and available location. The replication tasks of transmitting, fetching, etc all rely on the storage provider configured. This and related properties are found in replicate.cfg:


The default configuration (LocalObjectStore) simply writes the AIPs to the local directory configured by the 'store.dir' property abovein replicate.cfg. This is not intended to be a production-grade solution, since a failure in the DSpace asset store could likely also affect this storage. It is provided mostly as a way to begin to work with the replication tasks without worrying about finding a storage provider.

For replicating in earnest, a service like DuraCloud is recommended , and what follows are instructions on how to configure a DuraCloud storage provider(DuraCloudObjectStore. Such a service has the additional benefits of providing offsite storage/replication while also providing additional preservation management tools. Note that this service must be established and provisioned prior to use, and those details may be obtained from DuraSpace:. For more information on DuraCloud see: Added

Alternatively, the MountableObjectStore option may be used if you wish to keep your AIP storage more "local" (e.g. on a local SAN or storage network). This option acts similar to the default configuration (in that it writes to the local directory configured by the 'store.dir' property in replicate.cfg). But, the expectation is that directory is actually a mounted storage drive, so AIPs are written in such a way as to support more complex storage architectures (e.g. an NFS-mounted store).

More information about each of these storage options (and how to configure them) is available in the #Storage Options configuration section.