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The success of any open-source project lies with the community contributing its collective energy, knowledge, enthusiasm, and effort. The KnowledgeBase is a resource developed and monitored by the user communities to benefit potential, new and existing DSpace or Fedora users. You do not need to be a developer or even an expert to contribute. If you have experience using DSpace or Fedora, know a lot about a particular feature/functionality and/or if you know how to communicate information effectively, we welcome your contribution. We are always looking for content contributors (people to willing to write/present/edit content) as well as content moderators (people who review and provide feedback to content contributors).

add to assumptions page - how wiki's usually work - generated by community, try to make sur it is up to date and accurate, but because it is community managed it is not always gaurenteed to be 100%. if you see something out of date or erroneous, please update them or use the labels at the bottom of the page and use a comment to say "out of date" or "error on..." Delivery Tools

The KnowledgeBase is designed to communicate information using a variety of methodologies. Since not all people take in information in the same way, the intention is to offer a text based guide, short recorded screencasts, presentation slides as well as webinar recordings.  All of these delivery tools can be found in the KnowledgeBase wiki, integrated into the Table of Contents framework. 


There are several useful recorded webinar presentations which provide an in-depth discussion on topics. Webinars appear as embedded links throughout the KnowledgeBase and are generally stored on Detailed guidelines/recommendations for posting slides can be found here.



All content in the KnowledgeBase, like the rest of the DuraSpace wiki, is licensed under a a Creative Commons Atrribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. This means that anyone  and is created by members of the user communities for the benefit of other users. Anyone is free to share and remix the the content, with the hope that any remix of the content will also be shared . Contributors and appropriate attribution footnoted. All contributors to the KnowledgeBase are encouraged to include a author attribution footnote on content they create with author attribution

Example author attribution footnote: "This content was contributed by John Smith from the University of Michigan and Betsy Jones from the University of Illinois". 

There is a structure in place to help ensure that the KnowledgeBase content is either accurate or flagged as being out-of-date or erroneous. Because this is a community managed effort there is a possibility that something will be missed. If you see something out-of-date or erroneous, please either update the information or use the labels at the bottom of the page and use a comment to say "out of date" or "error on..."