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Configuring usage of Checkm manifest validation

This section goes through the steps of configuring the usage of Checkm manifest tasks. These tasks provide a cability to store DSpace content checksums external from DSpace in the Checkm Manifest format. Some institutions may find this to be a useful replacement for the default DSpace Checksum Checker/Validator, which only stores/validates checksums internal to the DSpace system.

However, as this is an optional set of tasks, they are disabled by default. Should you wish to enable these tasks, just do the following:

  1. Wiki Markup
    *General Curation Configuration:* First, in your {{\[dspace\]/config/modules/curate.cfg}} you will want to enable & configure the Checkm Manifest tasks. (NOTE: there is a sample {{curate.cfg}} file provided in {{\[dspace-replicate\]/config/modules/curate.cfg}} which provides example settings).
    • Enable the Checkm Tasks: In the list of "Task Class implementations" (, add the following.
      REMEMBER to add a comma and backslash (", \") after each line (except the final line).
      Code Block
    = \
          ... (YOUR EXISTING TASKS) ... , \
          org.dspace.ctask.replicate.checkm.TransmitManifest = transmitmanifest, \
          org.dspace.ctask.replicate.checkm.VerifyManifest = verifymanifest, \
          org.dspace.ctask.replicate.checkm.FetchManifest = fetchmanifest, \
          org.dspace.ctask.replicate.checkm.CompareWithManifest = auditmanifest, \
          org.dspace.ctask.replicate.checkm.RemoveManifest = removemanifest
    • Give Each Task a Human-Friendly Task Name: Under the ui.tasknames setting, give each of the above Tasks a human-friendy name. Here are some recommended values, but you are welcome to tweak them.
      REMEMBER to add a comma and backslash (", \") after each line (except the final line).
      Code Block
      ui.tasknames = \
          ... (YOUR EXISTING TASK NAMES) ... , \
          transmitmanifest = Transmit Checkm Manifest to Storage, \
          verifymanifest = Verify Checkm Manifest exists in Storage, \
          fetchmanifest = Fetch Checkm Manifest from Storage, \
          auditmanifest = Audit against Checkm Manifest, \
          removemanifest = Remove Checkm Manifest from Storage
    • Optionally Create a Task Group: Finally, if you'd like to create a Task Group for these tasks, you can create a group named "checkm" and add them all to it. The below is just an example for how you may wish to set the ui.taskgroups and ui.taskgroup.* settings. It creates two Task Groups: (1) a "General Purpose Tasks" group for a few default DSpace Curation Tasks, and (2) a "Checkm Validation Tasks" group for all these new Replication tasks.
      Code Block
      # Tasks may be organized into named groups which display together in UI drop-downs
      ui.taskgroups = \
         general = General Purpose Tasks,
         checkm = Checkm Validation Tasks
      # Group membership is defined using comma-separated lists of task names, one property per group
      ui.taskgroup.general = profileformats, requiredmetadata, checklinks
      ui.taskgroup.checkm = transmitmanifest, verifymanifest, fetchmanifest, auditmanifest, removemanifest

Problem Statement & Usage Examples
