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  1. Wiki Markup
    First, in your {{\[dspace\]/config/modules/curate.cfg}} you will want to enable & configure the METS-based replication tasks. (NOTE: there is a sample {{curate.cfg}} file provided in {{\[dspace-replicate\]/config/modules/curate.cfg}} which is pre-configured to use METS-based AIPs).
    • Enable the Replication Tasks: In the list of "Task Class implementations" (, add the following. REMEMBER to add a comma and backslash (", \") after each line (except the final line).
      Code Block = \
          ... (yourYOUR existingEXISTING tasksTASKS) ... , \
          org.dspace.ctask.replicate.EstimateAIPSize = estaipsize, \
          org.dspace.ctask.replicate.ReadOdometer = readodometer, \
          org.dspace.ctask.replicate.TransmitAIP = transmitaip, \
          org.dspace.ctask.replicate.VerifyAIP = verifyaip, \
          org.dspace.ctask.replicate.FetchAIP = fetchaip, \
          org.dspace.ctask.replicate.CompareWithAIP = auditaip, \
          org.dspace.ctask.replicate.RemoveAIP = removeaip, \
          org.dspace.ctask.replicate.METSRestoreFromAIP = restorefromaip, \
          org.dspace.ctask.replicate.METSRestoreFromAIP = replacewithaip, \
          org.dspace.ctask.replicate.METSRestoreFromAIP = restorekeepexisting, \
          org.dspace.ctask.replicate.METSRestoreFromAIP = restoresinglefromaip, \
          org.dspace.ctask.replicate.METSRestoreFromAIP = replacesinglewithaip
    • Give Each Task a Human-Friendly Task Name: Under the ui.tasknames setting, give each of the above Tasks a human-friendy name. Here are some recommended values, but you are welcome to tweak them. REMEMBER to add a comma and backslash (", \") after each line (except the final line).
      Code Block
      ui.tasknames = \
          ... (yourYOUR existingEXISTING taskTASK namesNAMES) ... , \
          estaipsize = Estimate AIP(s) Size, \
          readodometer = Read Odometer, \
          transmitaip = Transmit AIP(s) to Storage, \
          verifyaip = Verify AIP(s) exist in Storage, \
          fetchaip = Fetch AIP(s) from Storage, \
          auditaip = Audit/Compare against AIP(s), \
          removeaip = Remove AIP(s) from Storage, \
          restorefromaip = Restore Missing Object(s) from AIP(s), \
          replacewithaip = Replace Existing Object(s) with AIP(s), \
          restorekeepexisting = Restore Missing Object(s) but Keep Existing Objects,\
          restoresinglefromaip = Restore Single Object from AIP, \
          replacesinglewithaip = Replace Single Object with AIP
    • Optionally Create a Task Group: Finally, if you'd like to create a Task Group for these tasks, you can create a group named "replicate" and add them all to it. The below is just an example for how you may wish to set the ui.taskgroups and ui.taskgroup.* settings. It creates two Task Groups: (1) a "General Purpose Tasks" group for a few default DSpace Curation Tasks, and (2) a "Replication Suite Tasks" group for all these new Replication tasks.
      Code Block
      # Tasks may be organized into named groups which display together in UI drop-downs
      ui.taskgroups = \
         general = General Purpose Tasks,
         replicate = Replication Suite Tasks
      # Group membership is defined using comma-separated lists of task names, one property per group
      ui.taskgroup.general = profileformats, requiredmetadata, checklinks
      ui.taskgroup.replicate = estaipsize, readodometer, transmitaip, verifyaip, fetchaip, auditaip, removeaip, restorefromaip, replacewithaip, restorekeepexisting, restoresinglefromaip, replacesinglewithaip
