Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Moved 1.2 -> 1.2.1 to a child page


titleIf you are upgrading across multiple versions

You should perform all of the steps of each upgrade between the version from which you are starting and the version to which you are upgrading. You do not need to install each intervening version, but you do need to carry out all of the configuration changes and additions, and all of the database updates, for each one. For example, when upgrading from 1.6.x to 1.8.x, you need to perform the configuration & database upgrade steps detailed in #Upgrading from 1.6.x to 1.7.x followed by those detailed in #Upgrading from 1.7.x to 1.8.x.

Table of Contents
Children Display

Upgrading from 1.7.x to 1.8.x


  1. Get the new DSpace 1.2.2 source code from the DSpace page on SourceForge and unpack it somewhere. Do not unpack it on top of your existing installation!!
  2. Copy the PostgreSQL driver JAR to the source tree. For example:
    Code Block
    cd  [dspace]/lib
    cp postgresql.jar  [dspace-1.2.2-source]/lib
  3. Take down Tomcat (or whichever servlet container you're using).
  4. Wiki Markup
    Your 'localized' JSPs (those in jsp/local) now need to be maintained in the _source_ directory. If you have locally modified JSPs in your _\[dspace\]/jsp/local_ directory, you might like to merge the changes in the new 1.2.2 versions into your locally modified ones. You can use the _diff_ command to compare the 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 versions to do this. Also see the version history for a list of modified JSPs.
  5. Wiki Markup
    You need to add a new parameter to your _\[dspace\]/dspace.cfg_ for configurable fulltext indexing 
    Code Block
    ##### Fulltext Indexing settings #####
    # Maximum number of terms indexed for a single field in Lucene.
    # Default is 10,000 words - often not enough for full-text indexing.
    # If you change this, you'll need to re-index for the change
    # to take effect on previously added items.
    # -1 = unlimited (Integer.MAX_VALUE)
    search.maxfieldlength = 10000
  6. Wiki Markup
    In _\[dspace-1.2.2-source\]_ run: 
    Code Block
    ant -Dconfig= [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg update
  7. Wiki Markup
    Copy the _.war_ Web application files in _\[dspace-1.2.2-source\]/build_ to the _webapps_ sub-directory of your servlet container (e.g. Tomcat). e.g.: 
    Code Block
    cp  [dspace-1.2.2-source]/build/*.war
    Wiki Markup
    If you're using Tomcat, you need to delete the directories corresponding to the old _.war_ files. For example, if _dspace.war_ is installed in _\[tomcat\]/webapps/dspace.war_, you should delete the _\[tomcat\]/webapps/dspace_ directory. Otherwise, Tomcat will continue to use the old code in that directory.
  8. Wiki Markup
    To finalize the install of the new configurable submission forms you need to copy the file _\[dspace-1.2.2-source\]/config/input-forms.xml_ into _\[dspace\]/config_.
  9. Restart Tomcat.

Upgrading From 1.2 to 1.2.1

The changes in 1.2.1 are only code changes so the update should be fairly simple.


  1. _


  1. Get the new DSpace 1.2.1 source code from the DSpace page on SourceForge and unpack it somewhere. Do not unpack it on top of your existing installation!!
  2. Copy the PostgreSQL driver JAR to the source tree. For example:
    Code Block
    cd  [dspace]/lib
    cp postgresql.jar  [dspace-1.2.1-source]/lib
  3. Take down Tomcat (or whichever servlet container you're using).
  4. Wiki Markup
    Your 'localized' JSPs (those in jsp/local) now need to be maintained in the _source_ directory. If you have locally modified JSPs in your _\[dspace\]/jsp/local_ directory, you might like to merge the changes in the new 1.2.1 versions into your locally modified ones. You can use the _diff_ command to compare the 1.2 and 1.2.1 versions to do this. Also see the version history for a list of modified JSPs.
  5. Wiki Markup
    You need to add a few new parameters to your _\[dspace\]/dspace.cfg_ for browse/search and item thumbnails display, and for configurable DC metadata fields to be indexed. 
    Code Block
    # whether to display thumbnails on browse and search results pages
    	(1.2+) = false
    # max dimensions of the browse/search thumbs. Must be <=
    # and thumbnail.maxheight. Only need to be set if required to be
    	smaller than
    # dimension of thumbnails generated by mediafilter (1.2+)
    #webui.browse.thumbnail.maxheight = 80
    #webui.browse.thumbnail.maxwidth = 80
    # whether to display the thumb against each bitstream (1.2+) = true
    # where should clicking on a thumbnail from browse/search take the
    # Only values currently supported are "item" and
    #webui.browse.thumbnail.linkbehaviour = item
     ##### Fields to Index for Search #####
    # DC metadata elements.qualifiers to be indexed for search
    # format: - search.index.[number] = [search field]:element.qualifier
    #         - * used as wildcard
    ###      changing these will change your search results,     ###
    ###  but will NOT automatically change your search displays  ###
    search.index.1 = author:contributor.*
    search.index.2 = author:creator.*
    search.index.3 = title:title.*
    search.index.4 = keyword:subject.*
    search.index.5 = abstract:description.abstract
    search.index.6 = author:description.statementofresponsibility
    search.index.7 = series:relation.ispartofseries
    search.index.8 = abstract:description.tableofcontents
    search.index.9 = mime:format.mimetype
    search.index.10 = sponsor:description.sponsorship
    search.index.11 = id:identifier.*
  6. Wiki Markup
    In _\[dspace-1.2.1-source\]_ run: 
    Code Block
    ant -Dconfig= [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg update
  7. Wiki Markup
    Copy the _.war_ Web application files in _\[dspace-1.2.1-source\]/build_ to the _webapps_ sub-directory of your servlet container (e.g. Tomcat). e.g.: 
    Code Block
    cp  [dspace-1.2.1-source]/build/*.war
    Wiki Markup
    If you're using Tomcat, you need to delete the directories corresponding to the old _.war_ files. For example, if _dspace.war_ is installed in _\[tomcat\]/webapps/dspace.war_, you should delete the _\[tomcat\]/webapps/dspace_ directory. Otherwise, Tomcat will continue to use the old code in that directory.
  8. Restart Tomcat.