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Wiki Markup
The system is configured by editing the relevant files in {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/config}}, as described in the configuration section.

Wiki Markup
*When editing configuration files for applications that DSpace uses, such as Apache Tomcat, you may want to edit the copy in {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace-source\]}} and then run {{ant update}} or {{ant overwrite_configs}} rather than editing the 'live' version directly\!*  This will ensure you have a backup copy of your modified configuration files, so that they are not accidentally overwritten in the future.

The ConfigurationManager class can also be invoked as a command line tool:

  • Wiki Markup
    {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/dspace dsprop}} This writes the value of _property.name_ from _dspace.cfg_ to the standard output, so that shell scripts can access the DSpace configuration. If the property has no value, nothing is written.


Wiki Markup
The e-mail texts are stored in {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/config/emails}}. They are processed by the standard _java.text.MessageFormat_. At the top of each e-mail are listed the appropriate arguments that should be filled out by the sender. Example usage is shown in the _org.dspace.core.Email_ Javadoc API documentation.


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The level of logging can be configured on a per-package or per-class basis by editing {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/config/}}. You will need to stop and restart Tomcat for the changes to take effect.


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The above format allows the logs to be easily parsed and analyzed. The {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/log-reporter}} script is a simple tool for analyzing logs. Try:


Primarily, one should note that no change made using a particular org.dspace.core.Context object will actually be made in the underlying storage unless complete or commit is invoked on that Context. If anything should go wrong during an operation, the context should always be aborted by invoking abort, to ensure that no inconsistent state is written to the storage.unmigrated-wiki-markup

Additionally, some changes made to objects only happen in-memory. In these cases, invoking the _update_ method lines up the in-memory changes to occur in storage when the _Context_ is committed or completed. In general, methods that change any \[DSDOCDEV:meta\]data field only make the change any metadata field only make the change in-memory; methods that involve relationships with other objects in the system line up the changes to be committed with the context. See individual methods in the API Javadoc.

Some examples to illustrate this are shown below:


  1. Wiki Markup
    *Plugins Named in the Configuration* A named plugin which gets its name(s) from the configuration is listed in this kind of entry:_plugin.named.interface = classname = name \[DSDOCDEV: , name.. \] \[DSDOCDEV: classname = name.. \]_The syntax of the configuration value is: classname, followed by an equal-sign and then at least one plugin name. Bind more names to the same implementation class by adding them here, separated by commas. Names may include any character other than comma (,) and equal-sign (=).For example, this entry creates one plugin with the names GIF, JPEG, and image/png, and another with the name TeX:
    Code Block = \
   = GIF, JPEG, image/png \
   = TeX
    This example shows a plugin name with an embedded whitespace character. Since comma (,) is the separator character between plugin names, spaces are legal (between words of a name; leading and trailing spaces are ignored).This plugin is bound to the names "Adobe PDF", "PDF", and "Portable Document Format".
    Code Block = \
 = TeX \
 =  Adobe PDF, PDF, Portable Document Format
    NOTE: Since there can only be one key with plugin.named. followed by the interface name in the configuration, all of the plugin implementations must be configured in that entry.
  2. Wiki Markup
    *Self-Named Plugins* Since a self-named plugin supplies its own names through a static method call, the configuration only has to include its interface and classname:_plugin.selfnamed.interface = classname \[DSDOCDEV: , classname.. \]_The following example first demonstrates how the plugin class, \_XsltDisseminationCrosswalk_ is configured to implement its own names "MODS" and "DublinCore". These come from the keys starting with _crosswalk.dissemination.stylesheet._. The value is a stylesheet file. The class is then configured as a self-named plugin:
    Code Block
    crosswalk.dissemination.stylesheet.DublinCore = xwalk/TESTDIM-2-DC_copy.xsl
    crosswalk.dissemination.stylesheet.MODS = xwalk/mods.xsl = \
            org.dspace.content.metadata.MODSDisseminationCrosswalk, \
    NOTE: Since there can only be one key with plugin.selfnamed. followed by the interface name in the configuration, all of the plugin implementations must be configured in that entry. The MODSDisseminationCrosswalk class is only shown to illustrate this point.


Wiki Markup
Workflows are set per Collection, and steps are defined by creating corresponding entries in the List named workflowGroup. If you wish the workflow to have a step 1, use the administration tools for Collections to create a workflow Group with members who you want to be able to view and approve the Item, and the workflowGroup\[DSDOCDEV:0\] becomes set with the ID of that Group.


Wiki Markup
The _CreateAdministrator_ class is a simple command-line tool, executed via {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/dspace create-administrator}}, that creates an administrator e-person with information entered from standard input. This is generally used only once when a DSpace system is initially installed, to create an initial administrator who can then use the Web administration UI to further set up the system. This script does not check for authorization, since it is typically run before there are any e-people to authorize\! Since it must be run as a command-line tool on the server machine, generally this shouldn't cause a problem. A possibility is to have the script only operate when there are no e-people in the system already, though in general, someone with access to command-line scripts on your server is probably in a position to do what they want anyway\!


Wiki Markup
Note that since the Handle server runs as a separate JVM to the DSpace Web applications, it uses a separate 'Log4J' configuration, since Log4J does not support multiple JVMs using the same daily rolling logs. This alternative configuration is located at {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/config/}}. The {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/start-handle-server}} script passes in the appropriate command line parameters so that the Handle server uses this configuration.


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If the browse index becomes inconsistent for some reason, the _InitializeBrowse_ class is a command line tool (generally invoked using the {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/dspace index-init}} command) that causes the indexes to be regenerated from scratch.
