Versions Compared


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  • UNIX-like OS (Linux, HP/UX, Mac OSX, etc.) : Many distributions of Linux/Unix come with some of the dependencies below pre-installed or easily installed via updates, you should consult your particular distributions documentation or local system administrators to determine what is already available.
  • Microsoft Windows: After verifying all prerequisites below, see the DSDOCDEV:Windows Installation section for Windows tailored instructions


Wiki Markup
Maven is necessary in the first stage of the build process to assemble the installation package for your DSpace instance. It gives you the flexibility to customize DSpace using the existing Maven projects found in the _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace-source\]/dspace/modules_ directory or by adding in your own Maven project to build the installation package for DSpace, and apply any custom interface "overlay" changes.


Wiki Markup
Apache Ant is still required for the second stage of the build process. It is used once the installation package has been constructed in _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace-source\]/dspace/target/dspace-<version>-build.dir_ and still uses some of the familiar ant build targets found in the 1.4.x build process.


  • Apache Tomcat 5.5 or later. Tomcat can be downloaded from the following location:
    • Note that DSpace will need to run as the same user as Tomcat, so you might want to install and run Tomcat as a user called 'dspace'. Set the environment variable TOMCAT_USER appropriately.
    • You need to ensure that Tomcat has a) enough memory to run DSpace and b) uses UTF-8 as its default file encoding for international character support. So ensure in your startup scripts (etc) that the following environment variable is set: JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx512M -Xms64M -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"
    • Wiki Markup
      *Modifications in* *_\[DSDOCDEV:tomcat\]/conf/server.xml{_}*: You also need to alter Tomcat's default configuration to support searching and browsing of multi-byte UTF-8 correctly. You need to add a configuration option to the _<Connector>_ element in _\[DSDOCDEV:tomcat\]/config/server.xml_: _URIEncoding="UTF-8"_ e.g. if you're using the default Tomcat config, it should read:
      Code Block
      <!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 -->
      <Connector port="8080"
      You may change the port from 8080 by editing it in the file above, and by setting the variable CONNECTOR_PORT in server.xml.
  • Jetty or Caucho Resin DSpace will also run on an equivalent servlet Engine, such as Jetty ( or Caucho Resin ( Jetty and Resin are configured for correct handling of UTF-8 by default.

Wiki Markup
Perl (only required for \[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/

Installation Instructions


  • Binary Release (dspace-<version>
    • This distribution will be adequate for most cases of running a DSpace instance. It is intended to be the quickest way to get DSpace installed and running while still allowing for customization of the themes and branding of your DSpace instance.
    • This method allows you to customize DSpace configurations (in dspace.cfg) or user interfaces, using basic pre-built interface "overlays".
    • It downloads "precompiled" libraries for the core dspace-api, supporting servlets, taglibraries, aspects and themes for the dspace-xmlui, dspace-xmlui and other webservice/applications.
    • This approach only exposes selected parts of the application for customization. All other modules are downloaded from the 'Maven Central Repository' The directory structure for this release is the following:
      • Wiki Markup
        • dspace/ - DSpace 'build' and configuration module
  • Source Release (dspace-<version>
    • This method is recommended for those who wish to develop DSpace further or alter its underlying capabilities to a greater degree.
    • It contains all dspace code for the core dspace-api, supporting servlets, taglibraries, aspects and themes for Manakin (dspace-xmlui), and other webservice/applications.
    • Provides all the same capabilities as the binary release. The directory structure for this release is more detailed:
      • Wiki Markup
        • dspace/ - DSpace 'build' and configuration module
        • dspace-api/ - Java API source module
        • dspace-discovery - Discovery source module
        • dspace-jspui/ - JSP-UI source module
        • dspace-oai - OAI-PMH source module
        • dspace-xmlui - XML-UI (Manakin) source module
        • dspace-lni - Lightweight Network Interface source module
        • dspace-stats - Statistics source module
        • dspace-sword - SWORD (Simple Web-serve Offering Repository Deposit) deposit service source module
        • dspace-swordv2 - SWORDv2 source module
        • dspace-sword-client - XMLUI client for SWORD
        • pom.xml - DSpace Parent Project definition


  1. Wiki Markup
    *The installation directory*, referred to as {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]}}. This is the location where DSpace is installed and running off of it is the location that gets defined in the {{dspace.cfg}} as "dspace.dir". It is where all the DSpace configuration files, command line scripts, documentation and webapps will be installed to.
  2. Wiki Markup
    *The source directory*, referred to as {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace-source\]}} . This is the location where the DSpace release distribution has been unzipped into. It usually has the name of the archive that you expanded such as {{dspace}}\-{{<version>}}\-{{release}} or {{dspace}}\-{{<version>}}\-{{src}}\-{{release}}. Normally it is the directory where all of your "build" commands will be run.&nbsp;
  3. Wiki Markup
    *The web deployment directory*. This is the directory that contains your DSpace web application(s). In DSpace 1.5.x and above, this corresponds to {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/webapps}} by default. However, if you are using Tomcat, you may decide to copy your DSpace web applications from {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/webapps/}} to {{\[DSDOCDEV:tomcat\]/webapps/}} (with {{\[DSDOCDEV:tomcat\]}} being wherever you installed Tomcat‚ also known as {{$CATALINA_HOME}}).
    For details on the contents of these separate directory trees, refer to directories.html. _Note that the_ {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace-source\]}} _and_ {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]}} _directories are always separate\!_


  1. Create the DSpace user. This needs to be the same user that Tomcat (or Jetty etc.) will run as. e.g. as root run:
    Code Block
    useradd -m dspace
  2. Download the latest DSpace release There are two version available with each release of DSpace: (dspace-1.x-release. and; you only need to choose one. If you want a copy of all underlying Java source code, you should download the Within each version, you have a choice of compressed file format. Choose the one that best fits your environment.
  3. Unpack the DSpace software. After downloading the software, based on the compression file format, choose one of the following methods to unpack your software:
    1. Zip file. If you downloaded do the following:
      Code Block
    2. .gz file. If you downloaded dspace-1.8-release.tar.gz do the following:
      Code Block
      gunzip -c dspace-1.8-release.tar.gz | tar -xf -
    3. .bz2 file. If you downloaded _dspace-1.8-release.tar.bz2_do the following:
      Code Block
      bunzip2 | tar -xf -
      Wiki Markup
      For ease of reference, we will refer to the location of this unzipped version of the DSpace release as _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace-source\]_ in the remainder of these instructions. After unpacking the file, the user may which to change the ownership of the _dspace-1.6-release_ to the 'dspace' user. (And you may need to change the group).
  4. Database Setup
    • PostgreSQL:
      • A PostgreSQL JDBC driver is configured as part of the default DSpace build. You no longer need to copy any PostgreSQL jars to get PostgreSQL installed.
      • Create a dspace database user. This is entirely separate from the dspace operating-system user created above.
        Code Block
        createuser -U postgres -d -A -P dspace
        You will be prompted for the password of the PostgreSQL superuser (postgres). Then you'll be prompted (twice) for a password for the new dspace user.
      • Create a dspace database, owned by the dspace PostgreSQL user (you are still logged in at 'root'):
        Code Block
        createdb -U dspace -E UNICODE dspace
        You will be prompted for the password of the DSpace database user. (This isn't the same as the dspace user's UNIX password.)
    • Oracle:
      • Setting up to use Oracle is a bit different now. You will need still need to get a copy of the Oracle JDBC driver, but instead of copying it into a lib directory you will need to install it into your local Maven repository. (You'll need to download it first from this location: Run the following command (all on one line):
        Code Block
        mvn install:install-file
      • Create a database for DSpace. Make sure that the character set is one of the Unicode character sets. DSpace uses UTF-8 natively, and it is required that the Oracle database use the same character set. Create a user account for DSpace (e.g. dspace,) and ensure that it has permissions to add and remove tables in the database.
      • Wiki Markup
        Edit the _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace-source\]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg_ database settings: 
        Code Block   = oracle
        db.url    = jdbc:oracle:thin:@//host:port/dspace
        db.driver = oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
  5. Wiki Markup
    *Initial Configuration:* Edit {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace-source\]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg}}, in particular you'll need to set these properties:
    • Wiki Markup
      {{dspace.dir}} \- must be set to the _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]_ (installation) directory.
    • dspace.url - complete URL of this server's DSpace home page.
    • dspace.hostname - fully-qualified domain name of web server.
    • - "Proper" name of your server, e.g. "My Digital Library".
    • db.password - the database password you entered in the previous step.
    • mail.server - fully-qualified domain name of your outgoing mail server.
    • mail.from.address - the "From:" address to put on email sent by DSpace.
    • feedback.recipient - mailbox for feedback mail.
    • mail.admin - mailbox for DSpace site administrator.
    • alert.recipient - mailbox for server errors/alerts (not essential but very useful!)
    • registration.notify - mailbox for emails when new users register (optional)

      You can interpolate the value of one configuration variable in the value of another one. For example, to set feedback.recipient to the same value as mail.admin, the line would look like:
      feedback.recipient = ${mail.admin}
      Refer to the General Configuration section for details and examples of the above.

  6. Wiki Markup
    *DSpace Directory:* Create the directory for the DSpace installation (i.e. {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]}}). As _root_ (or a user with appropriate permissions), run:
    Code Block
    mkdir [dspace]
    chown dspace [dspace]
    (Assuming the dspace UNIX username.)
  7. Installation Package: As the dspace UNIX user, generate the DSpace installation package.
    Code Block
    cd [dspace-source]/dspace/
    mvn package
    titleDefaults to PostgreSQL settings

    Without any extra arguments, the DSpace installation package is initialized for PostgreSQL. If you want to use Oracle instead, you should build the DSpace installation package as follows:
    mvn package

  8. Wiki Markup
    *Build DSpace and Initialize Database:* As the _dspace_ UNIX user, initialize the DSpace database and install DSpace to {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]\_}}: 
    Code Block
    cd [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-[version]-build.dir
    ant fresh_install

    To see a complete list of build targets, run: ant help The most likely thing to go wrong here is the database connection. See the Common Problems Section.

  9. Deploy Web Applications:
    You have two choices or techniques for having Tomcat/Jetty/Resin serve up your web applications:
    • Wiki Markup
      _Technique A._ Simple and complete. You copy only (or all) of the DSpace Web application(s) you wish to use from the \[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/webapps directory to the appropriate directory in your Tomcat/Jetty/Resin installation. For example:
      {{cp \-R \[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/webapps/\* \[DSDOCDEV:tomcat\]/webapps\*}} (This will copy all the web applications to Tomcat).
      {{cp \-R \[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/webapps/jspui \[DSDOCDEV:tomcat\]/webapps\*}} (This will copy only the jspui web application to Tomcat.)
    • Wiki Markup
      _Technique B._ Tell your Tomcat/Jetty/Resin installation where to find your DSpace web application(s). As an example, in the {{\<Host\<Host>}}> section of your {{\[DSDOCDEV:tomcat\]/conf/server.xml\}} you could add lines similar to the following (but replace {{\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]}} with your installation location):
      Code Block
      <!-- Define the default virtual host
      	Note:  XML Schema validation will not work with Xerces 2.2.
      	<Host name="localhost"  appBase="[dspace]/webapps"
  10. Administrator Account: Create an initial administrator account:
    Code Block
    [dspace]/bin/dspace create-administrator
  11. Initial Startup! Now the moment of truth! Start up (or restart) Tomcat/Jetty/Resin. Visit the base URL(s) of your server, depending on which DSpace web applications you want to use. You should see the DSpace home page. Congratulations! Base URLs of DSpace Web Applications:


Wiki Markup
In order to deploy a multilingual version of DSpace you have to configure two parameters in _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace-source\]/config/dspace.cfg:_


  1. To configure your DSpace installation to run the handle server, run the following command:
    Code Block
    [dspace]/bin/dspace make-handle-config [dspace]/handle-server
    Wiki Markup
    Ensure that _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/handle-server_ matches whatever you have in _dspace.cfg_ for the _handle.dir_ property.
  2. Wiki Markup
    Edit the resulting _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/handle-server/config.dct_ file to include the following lines in the _"server_config"_ clause: 
    Code Block
    "storage_type" = "CUSTOM"
    "storage_class" = "org.dspace.handle.HandlePlugin"
    This tells the Handle server to get information about individual Handles from the DSpace code.
  3. Once the configuration file has been generated, you will need to go to to upload the generated file. The upload page will ask you for your contact information. An administrator will then create the naming authority/prefix on the root service (known as the Global Handle Registry), and notify you when this has been completed. You will not be able to continue the handle server installation until you receive further information concerning your naming authority.
  4. Wiki Markup
    When CNRI has sent you your naming authority prefix, you will need to edit the _config.dct_ file. The file will be found in _/\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/handle-server_. Look for _"300:0.NA/YOUR_NAMING_AUTHORITY"_. Replace _YOUR_NAMING_AUTHORITY_ with the assigned naming authority prefix sent to you.
  5. Now start your handle server (as the dspace user):
    Code Block
    Note that since the DSpace code manages individual Handles, administrative operations such as Handle creation and modification aren't supported by DSpace's Handle server.


Wiki Markup
If you need to update the handle prefix on items created before the CNRI registration process you can run the _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/dspace update-handle-prefix script_. You may need to do this if you loaded items prior to CNRI registration (e.g. setting up a demonstration system prior to migrating it to production). The script takes the current and new prefix as parameters. For example:


Wiki Markup
To generate the sitemaps, you need to run _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/dspace generate-sitemaps_ This creates the sitemaps in _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/sitemaps/_

The sitemaps can be accessed from the following URLs:


Wiki Markup
When running _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/dspace generate-sitemaps_ the script informs Google that the sitemaps have been updated. For this update to register correctly, you must first register your Google sitemap index page (_/dspace/sitemap_) with Google at [||]. If your DSpace server requires the use of a HTTP proxy to connect to the Internet, ensure that you have set _http.proxy.host_ and _http.proxy.port_ in _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/config/dspace.cfg_

Wiki Markup
The URL for pinging Google, and in future, other search engines, is configured in _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace-space\]/config/dspace.cfg_ using the _sitemap.engineurls_ setting where you can provide a comma-separated list of URLs to 'ping'.


  1. DSpace Configuration for Accessing Solr. In the dspace.cfg file review the following fields to make sure they are uncommented:
    Code Block
    solr.log.server = ${dspace.baseUrl}/solr/statistics
    solr.dbfile = ${dspace.dir}/config/GeoLiteCity.dat
    solr.spiderips.urls =, \
                , \
                , \
                , \
                , \
                , \
                , \
  2. DSpace logging configuration for Solr. If your DSpace instance is protected by a proxy server, in order for Solr to log the correct IP address of the user rather than of the proxy, it must be configured to look for the X-Forwarded-For header.  This feature can be enabled by ensuring the following setting is uncommented in the logging section of dspace.cfg:
    Code Block
    useProxies = true
  3. Configuration Control. In the dspace.cfg set the following property key:_statistics.item.authorization.admin=true_This will require the user to sign on to see that statistics. Setting the statistics to "false" will make them publicly available.
  4. Final steps.
    • Perform the following step:
      Code Block
      cd [dspace-source]/dspace
      mvn package
      cd [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-<version>-build.dir
      ant -Dconfig=[dspace]/config/dspace.cfg update
      cp -R [dspace]/webapps/* [TOMCAT]/webapps
      Wiki Markup
      If you only need to build the statistics, and don't make any changes to other web applications, you can replace the copy step above with: _cp \-R \[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/webapps/solr \[DSDOCDEV:TOMCAT\]/webapps_
    • Restart your webapps (Tomcat/Jetty/Resin)


Wiki Markup
The GeoLite Database file (at \[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/config/GeoLiteCity.dat) is used by the [DSDOCDEV:DSpace Statistics|#DSpace Statistics] engine to generate location/country based reports. (_Note: If you are not using DSpace Statistics, this file is not needed._)


  1. Wiki Markup
    Attempt to re-run the automatic installer from your DSpace Source Directory (\[DSDOCDEV:dspace-source\]). This will attempt to automatically download the database file, unzip it and install it into the proper location:
    Code Block
    ant update_geolite
    • Wiki Markup
      NOTE: If the location of the GeoLite Database file is known to have changed, you can also run this auto-installer by passing it the new URL of the GeoLite Database File: {{ant \-Dgeolite=\[DSDOCDEV:full-URL-of-geolite\] update_geolite}}
  2. OR, you can manually install the file by performing these steps yourself:


If you are installing DSpace on Windows, you will still need to install all the same DSDOCDEV:Prerequisite Software, as listed above.


  1. Download the DSpace source from SourceForge and unzip it (WinZip will do this)
  2. Ensure the PostgreSQL service is running, and then run pgAdmin III (Start -> PostgreSQL 8.0 -> pgAdmin III). Connect to the local database as the postgres user and:
    • Create a 'Login Role' (user) called dspace with the password dspace
    • Create a database called dspace owned by the user dspace, with UTF-8 encoding
  3. Wiki Markup
    Update paths in _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace-source\]\dspace\config\dspace.cfg_
    • Note: Use forward slashes / for path separators, though you can still use drive letters, e.g.: dspace.dir = C:/DSpace Also, make sure you change all of the parameters with file paths to suit, specifically:
      Code Block
  4. Create the directory for the DSpace installation (e.g. C:/DSpace)
  5. Generate the DSpace installation package by running the following from command line (cmd) :
    Code Block
    cd [dspace-source]/dspace/
    mvn package
    • Wiki Markup
      _Note #1:_ This will generate the DSpace installation package in your _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace-source\]/dspace/target/dspace-\[DSDOCDEV:version\]-build.dir/_ directory.
    • Note #2: Without any extra arguments, the DSpace installation package is initialized for PostgreSQL. If you want to use Oracle instead, you should build the DSpace installation package as follows:
      Code Block
      mvn package
  6. Wiki Markup
    Initialize the DSpace database and install DSpace to _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]_ (e.g. _C:\DSpace_) by running the following from command line from your _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace-source\]/dspace/target/dspace-\[DSDOCDEV:version\]-build.dir/_ directory:
    Code Block
    ant fresh_install
    • Note: to see a complete list of build targets, run: ant help
  7. Wiki Markup
    Create an administrator account, by running the following from your _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]_ (e.g. _C:\DSpace_) directory:
    Code Block
    [dspace]\bin\dspace create-administrator
  8. Wiki Markup
    Copy the Web application directories from _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]\webapps_ to Tomcat's webapps dir, which should be somewhere like _C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat\webapps_
    • Wiki Markup
      Alternatively, Tell your Tomcat installation where to find your DSpace web application(s). As an example, in the _<Host>_ section of your _\[DSDOCDEV:tomcat\]/conf/server.xml_ you could add lines similar to the following (but replace _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]_ with your installation location): 
      Code Block
      <!-- DEFINE A CONTEXT PATH FOR DSpace JSP User Interface  -->
      <Context path="/jspui" docBase="[dspace]\webapps\jspui" debug="0"
      	reloadable="true" cachingAllowed="false"
      <!-- DEFINE A CONTEXT PATH FOR DSpace OAI User Interface  -->
      <Context path="/oai" docBase="[dspace]\webapps\oai" debug="0"
      	reloadable="true" cachingAllowed="false"
  9. Start the Tomcat service
  10. Browse to either http://localhost:8080/jspui or http://localhost:8080/xmlui. You should see the DSpace home page for either the JSPUI or XMLUI, respectively.


  • Wiki Markup
    System is up and running. _User can see the DSpace home page. \[DSDOCDEV:Tomcat/Jetty, firewall, IP assignment, DNS\]_
  • Wiki Markup
    Database is running and working correctly. _Attempt to create a user, community or collection \[DSDOCDEV:PostgreSQL, Oracle\]_{_}Run the test database command to see if other issues are being report:__\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/dspace test-database_
  • Wiki Markup
    Email subsystem is running. The user can issue the following command to test the email system. t attempts to send a test email to the email address that is set in dspace.cfg (mail.admin). If it fails, you will get messages informing you as to why, will refer you to the DSpace documentation. _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/bin/test-email_

Known Bugs


  • Database errors occur when you run ant fresh_install: There are two common errors that occur.
    • If your error looks like this:
      Code Block
      [java] 2004-03-25 15:17:07,730 INFO
  @ Initializing Database
      [java] 2004-03-25 15:17:08,816 FATAL
  @ Caught exception:
      [java] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection refused. Check
      	    that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is
      	    accepting TCP/IP connections.
      [java]     at
      [java]     at org.postgresql.Driver.connect(
      Wiki Markup
      it usually means you haven't yet added the relevant configuration parameter to your PostgreSQL configuration (see above), or perhaps you haven't restarted PostgreSQL after making the change. Also, make sure that the _db.username_ and _db.password_ properties are correctly set in _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/config/dspace.cfg_. An easy way to check that your DB is working OK over TCP/IP is to try this on the command line: 
      Code Block
      psql -U dspace -W -h localhost
      Enter the dspace database password, and you should be dropped into the psql tool with a dspace=> prompt.
    • Another common error looks like this:
      Code Block
      [java] 2004-03-25 16:37:16,757 INFO
  @ Initializing Database
      [java] 2004-03-25 16:37:17,139 WARN
  @ Exception initializing DB
      [java] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.postgresql.Driver
      [java]     at$
      [java]     at
      [java]     at

      Wiki Markup
      This means that the PostgreSQL JDBC driver is not present in _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/lib_. See above.
  • GeoLiteCity Database file fails to download or install, when you run ant fresh_install: There are two common errors that may occur:
    • If your error looks like this:
      Code Block
      [get] Error getting to /usr/local/dspace/config/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz
      /dspace-release/dspace/target/dspace-1.8.0-build.dir/build.xml:931: Connection timed out
      it means that you likely either (a) don't have an internet connection to download the necessary GeoLite Database file (used for DSpace Statistics), or (b) the GeoLite Database file's URL is no longer valid. You should be able to resolve this issue by following the DSDOCDEV:"Manually Installing/Updating GeoLite Database File" instructions above.
    • Another common message looks like this:
      Code Block
      [echo]          (Used for DSpace Solr Usage Statistics)
      Again, this means the GeoLite Database file cannot be downloaded or is unavailable for some reason. You should be able to resolve this issue by following the DSDOCDEV:"Manually Installing/Updating GeoLite Database File" instructions above.
