Versions Compared


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  1. Build and deploy the DuraCloud web applications
  2. Set up the OSGi services container
  3. Initialize the DuraCloud applications
  4. Test your installation

Although this document is written from a Linux environment perspective, analogous builds/installations have been tested in Windows (but may have limitations, as noted below). Any comments or feedback are welcomed.


  1. Use the application initialization (app-config) utiltiy to configure the deployed DuraCloud applications
    1. Build app-config utility, from within the //app-config module
      Code Block
      mvn assembly:assembly
    2. Run the app-config utility
      Code Block
      java -jar target/app-config-1.1.0-driver.jar <init.props>
      1. The init.props file is a configuration file which specifies all of the information necessary for the DuraCloud applications to run. An example of this file can be found at //app-config/src/main/resources/init.props. This file will need to be updated to match your environment.
    3. When the app-config utility completes successfully, the last line of output printed to the console will be the word "success". If this is not the case, check that your configuration file includes the correct information.
Test your installation
  1. Once all of the above steps have been completed, your DuraCloud should be ready to test.
    1. Go to http://localhost:8080/duradmin (change host or port as necessary).
    2. Log in using the credentials provided in your configuration file
    3. You should be able to view, add, update, and delete spaces and content in Spaces tab
    4. You should be able to deploy services in the Services tab
  2. Congratulations! You now have a functional DuraCloud installation.

Optional items

Code coverage


  1. This tool provides a commandline interface for interacting with the 'services-admin' installed in a running OSGi container (see notes above for starting the container)
  2. To build and run the CLI, from within the //servicesadminclient module
    Code Block
    mvn assembly:assembly
    java -cp target/servicesadminclient-[VERSION]-cli.jar


Building Java client packages
  1. To create a distributable zip of the storeclient and its , serviceclient, or reportclient which includes their dependencies, from within the project directory (//storeclient, //serviceclient, //reportclient) run
    Code Block
    mvn install -Ppackage-client
  2. The packaged zip will be found at /storeclient/target/store-client.zipunder the project's target directory

Misc configuration/discussion
