Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Standard web-site technologies: HTML, CSS and maybe JavaScript.
  • Something about the Freemarker template engine.
  • Where the theme files are stored in VIVO, and how to reference them.
  • Basic knowledge of semantic web technologies if some new user interface labels should be defined/changed

Getting started


VIVO comes with a standard theme, called wilma.  wilma is in the folder in vivo/installer/webapp/target/vivo/themes.  

To create a new theme, choose a name for your new theme.  In   In these examples below we will call the new theme fred.  

Copy the wilma directory and its contents to a new directory called fred.  fred must also be in vivo/installer/webapp/target/vivo/themes.

Your new theme will contain CSS files, image files, and Freemarker templates.

Copy the vivo/installer/home/target/vivo/rdf/i18n/en_US/interface-i18n/firsttime/vivo_UiLabel_wilma.ttl into vivo/installer/home/target/vivo/rdf/i18n/en_US/interface-i18n/firsttime/vivo_UiLabel_fred.ttl, and substitute (find and replace) the term wilma with the term fred inside the new file. 

Run the Maven install to deploy your new theme to the Tomcat container. Restart the VIVO Tomcat process. You can then go to the Site Admin page and choose Site Information, to select your theme as the current one.


If you make changes to any of the source files in the theme, including images, CSS, JavaScript or Freemarker templates, you must run the build script, but you do not need to restart Tomcat.