Versions Compared


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  1. Download the DSpace source from SourceForge and unzip it (WinZip will do this)
  2. Ensure the PostgreSQL service is running, and then run pgAdmin III (Start -> PostgreSQL 8.0 -> pgAdmin III). Connect to the local database as the postgres user and:
    • Create a 'Login Role' (user) called dspace with the password dspace
    • Create a database called dspace owned by the user dspace, with UTF-8 encoding
  3. Wiki Markup
    Update paths in _\[dspace-source\]\dspace\config\dspace.cfg_. *
    • Note:
    • Use
    • forward
    • slashes
    • /
    • for
    • path
    • separators,
    • though
    • you
    • can
    • still
    • use
    • drive
    • letters,
    • e.g.:
    • dspace.dir
    • =
    • C:/DSpace
    • Also,
    • make
    • sure
    • you
    • change
    • all
    • of
    • the
    • parameters
    • with
    • file
    • paths
    • to
    • suit,
    • specifically:
    • Code Block
  4. Create the directory for the DSpace installation (e.g. C:\/DSpace)
  5. Wiki Markup
    Generate the DSpace installation package by running the following from command line (cmd) from your _\[dspace-source\]/dspace/_ directory: 
    Code Block
    mvn package
    • Wiki Markup
      _Note #1:_ This will generate the DSpace installation package in your _\[dspace-source\]/dspace/target/dspace-\[version\]-build.dir/_ directory.
    • Note #2: Without any extra arguments, the DSpace installation package is initialized for PostgreSQL. If you want to use Oracle instead, you should build the DSpace installation package as follows:
      Code Block
      mvn package
  6. Wiki Markup
    Initialize the DSpace database and install DSpace to _\[dspace\]_ (e.g. _C:\DSpace_) by running the following from command line from your _\[dspace-source\]/dspace/target/dspace-\[version\]-build.dir/_ directory:
    Code Block
    ant fresh_install
    • Note: to see a complete list of build targets, run: ant help
  7. Wiki Markup
    Create an administrator account, by running the following from your _\[dspace\]_ (e.g. _C:\DSpace_) directory:
    Code Block
    [dspace]\bin\dspace create-administrator
  8. Wiki Markup
    Copy the Web application directories from _\[dspace\]\webapps_ to Tomcat's webapps dir, which should be somewhere like _C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat\webapps_
    • Wiki Markup
      Alternatively, Tell your Tomcat installation where to find your DSpace web application(s). As an example, in the _<Host>_ section of your _\[tomcat\]/conf/server.xml_ you could add lines similar to the following (but replace _\[dspace\]_ with your installation location):
      Code Block
      <!-- DEFINE A CONTEXT PATH FOR DSpace JSP User Interface  -->
      <Context path="/jspui" docBase="[dspace]\webapps\jspui" debug="0"
      	reloadable="true" cachingAllowed="false"
      <!-- DEFINE A CONTEXT PATH FOR DSpace OAI User Interface  -->
      <Context path="/oai" docBase="[dspace]\webapps\oai" debug="0"
      	reloadable="true" cachingAllowed="false"
  9. Start the Tomcat service
  10. Browse to either http://localhost:8080/jspui or http://localhost:8080/xmlui. You should see the DSpace home page for either the JSPUI or XMLUI, respectively.
