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Code Block
psql \-d postgres

To create a user "fedoraAdmin"" with password "fedoraAdmin" and database named "fedora3", enter the following:


  1. Create the tables and indexes and auto-increments yourself in your own database (see the file: src/dbspec/server/fedora/server/storage/resources/DefaultDOManager.dbspec in the source distribution for the RDBMS-neutral table specifications).
  2. Write a subclass of fedora.server.utilities.DDLConverter for your database software, include it in the Fedora WEB-INF/classes directory or in a jar file in the Fedora WEB-INF/lib directory, and associate it with the JDBC driver inside the FEDORA_HOME/server/config/fedora.fcfg file (see how it's done by looking at the MySQLDDLConverter and DerbyDDLConverter associations with their respective drivers in the fedora.fcfg file, and the classes' implementations in the source distribution). If you choose option #2, please tell us about it, as it will be useful for other users of Fedora. Option 2 is harder, but it will make future installations of new versions of Fedora (where the db schema will likely change) much easier for you if you plan on using that database later.


If Fedora is configured to use SSL, the JAVA_OPTS environment variable must include the and properties. The value of should be the location of the truststore file and the value of is the password for the keystore. The following values may be used with the sample keystore included with the installer:

Code Block




The Fedora Security Layer is an experimental feature introduced from Fedora 3.3. FeSL consists of two separate components, which can be selected independently during the installation: FeSL Authentication and FeSL Authorisation.


To change the level to DEBUG for just one class, add the following lines:

Code Block
log4j.logger.fedora.server.utilities.SQLUtility = DEBUG, FEDORA
log4j.additivity.fedora.server.utilities.SQLUtility = false
