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Table of Contents



Create a temporary Fedora Home directory


  1. Ensure that the temporary Fedora is configured to point at the original low level storage locations.
    1. Open $TEMP_HOME/server/config/fedora.fcfg
    2. Search for ILowlevelStorage
    3. If the "class" attribute ends with ".DefaultLowlevelStorageModule":
      1. Ensure that the object_store_base param specifies an absolute directory (by default, it is a relative directory)
      2. Do the same for datastream_store_base
    4. If the "class" attribute ends with ".AkubraLowlevelStorageModule", no change is needed; Akubra's configuration already specifies an absolute directory.
    5. If the "class" attribute is anything else, ensure that all path-oriented params are specifying the path in absolute form.
  2. If you will be doing a Resource index rebuild, initialize a new triplestore:
    1. Open $TEMP_HOME/server/config/fedora.fcfg
    2. Locate the datastore element (near the end of the file) corresponding to the triplestore you're using.
    3. If you're using Mulgara/Kowari:
      1. If the remote param value is "false", change the path param to point to the new, preferred location of your rebuilt resource index data directory.  Specify this as an absolute path.  For example, "/opt/fedora/data/resourceIndexRebuilt".  Do not create this directory yourself; it will be automatically created at the beginning of the resource index rebuild.
      2. If the remote param value is "true":
        1. Bring up a new instance of Mulgara/Kowari, on a different host and/or port than your existing instance.
        2. Change/add the "host" and "port" params accordingly.
    4. If you're using MPTStore:
      1. Modify the jdbcURL param to use a different database name.  For example, if it was "jdbc:postgresql:riTriples", change it to "jdbc:postgresql:riTriplesRebuilt" 
      2. Create this new, empty database using the method recommended by your database vendor and ensure that the database user (username) specified in this section of fedora.fcfg has full permission on it.
  3. If you will be doing a database rebuild, initialize a new database:
    1. If you're using a non-bundled database (MySQL, Oracle, Postgresql):
      1. Open $TEMP_HOME/server/config/fedora.fcfg
      2. Locate the datastore element (near the end of the file) corresponding to the database you're using.
      3. Modify the jdbcURL param to use a different database name.  For example, if it was "jdbc:postgresql:fedora3", change it to "jdbc:postgresql:fedora3rebuilt" 
      4. Create this new, empty database using the method recommended by your database vendor and ensure that the database user (dbUsername) specified in this section of fedora.fcfg has full permission on it.
    2. If you're using the bundled Derby database:
      1. Open $TEMP_HOME/server/config/fedora.fcfg
      2. Search for jdbc:derby
      3. Change the jdbcURL param to point to the new, preferred location of your rebuilt database.  For example, if the value is currently "jdbc:derby:/opt/fedora/derby/fedora3;create=true", change it to "jdbc:derby:/opt/fedora/derby/fedora3-rebuilt".  Do not create this directory yourself; it will be automatically created at the beginning of the database rebuild.
    3. If you're using the bundled McKoi database:
      1. Open $TEMP_HOME/server/config/fedora.fcfg
      2. Search for jdbc:mckoi
      3. Change the jdbcURL param to point to the new, preferred location of your rebuilt database.  For example, if the value is currently "jdbc:mckoi:local:///opt/fedora/mckoi1.0.3/db.conf?create_or_boot=true", change it to "jdbc:mckoi:local:///opt/fedora/mckoi1.0.3-rebuilt/db.conf?create_or_boot=true"
      4. Create this new directory.  For example, "mkdir /opt/fedora/mckoi1.0.3-rebuilt"
      5. Copy all files (but not subdirectories) from the original mckoi directory to this new one.  For example, "cp /opt/fedora/mckoi1.0.3/* /opt/fedora/mckoi1.0.3-rebuilt".


Disable writes

See How do I turn off API-M access?


Run the rebuilder

First, make sure your FEDORA_HOME and CATALINA_HOME environment variables are set correctly:


NOTE: If you need to rebuild both the database and resource index, make sure you have configured both, and rebuild the database first, followed by the resource index.


Copy temporary configuration to live repository

  • Make a backup of $ORIG_HOME/server/config/fedora.fcfg
  • Copy $TEMP_HOME/server/config/fedora.fcfg to $ORIG_HOME/server/config/fedora.fcfg (replacing the existing file)


Restart and verify

  • Set the FEDORA_HOME environment variable back to the original value ($ORIG_HOME)
  • Run $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ (%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\shutdown.bat if running Windows)
  • Run $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ (%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\startup.bat if running Windows)
  • Check $FEDORA_HOME/server/logs/fedora.log for any sign of errors at startup.
  • Try some queries on the /fedora/search and /fedora/risearch web interfaces and make sure they behave as expected.


Re-enable writes

See How do I turn off API-M access?


Clean up

You can now safely remove the original database and/or resource index data to recover disk space.  You can also remove the $TEMP_HOME directory.