Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Add some missing configs for 7.4


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
submission: {
    autosave: {
      // NOTE: which metadata trigger an autosave
      metadata: [],
       * NOTE: after how many time (milliseconds) submission is saved automatically
       * eg. timer: 5 * (1000 * 60); // 5 minutes
      timer: 0
    icons: {
      metadata: [
         * NOTE: example of configuration
         * {
         *    // NOTE: metadata name
         *    name: '',
         *    // NOTE: fontawesome (v5.x) icon classes and bootstrap utility classes can be used
         *    style: 'fa-user'
         * }
          name: '',
          style: 'fas fa-user'
        // default configuration
          name: 'default',
          style: ''
      authority: {
        confidence: [
           * NOTE: example of configuration
           * {
           *    // NOTE: confidence value
           *    value: '',
           *    // NOTE: fontawesome (v4.x) icon classes and bootstrap utility classes can be used
           *    style: 'fa-user'
           * }
            value: 600,
            style: 'text-success'
            value: 500,
            style: 'text-info'
            value: 400,
            style: 'text-warning'
          // default configuration
            value: 'default',
            style: 'text-muted'


Universal (Server-side Rendering) Settings

titleOnly valid for 7.1 or 7.0

As of DSpace 7.2, these settings are no longer editable. Universal is automatically enabled at all times to support Search Engine Optimization.

The "universal" section pertains to enabling/disabling Angular Universal for Server-side rendering.  DSpace requires server-side rendering to support Search Engine Optimization. When it's turned off, your site may not be able to be indexed in Google, Google Scholar and other search engines.

Code Block
// Angular Universal settings
universal: {
  preboot: true,
  async: true,
  time: false

Debug Settings

The "debug" property allows you to turn on debugging in the Angular UI.  When enabled, your environment and all Redux actions/transfers are logged to the console.  This is only ever needed if you are debugging a tricky issue.

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or later (config.*.yml)
# NOTE: will log all redux actions and transfers in console
debug: false
Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
// NOTE: will log all redux actions and transfers in console
debug: false

Language Settings

The "defaultLanguage" and "languages" sections allow you to customize which languages to support in your User Interface.  See also Multilingual Support.

Language Settings

The "defaultLanguage" and "languages" sections allow you to customize which languages to support in your User Interface.  See also Multilingual Support.

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or later (config.*.yml)
#  Default Language in which the UI will be rendered if the user's browser language is not an active language
defaultLanguage: en

# Languages. DSpace Angular holds a message catalog for each of the following languages.
# When set to active, users will be able to switch to the use of this language in the user interface.
# All out of the box language packs may be found in the ./src/assets/i18n/ directory
  - code: en
    label: English
    active: true
  - code: cs
    label: Čeština
    active: true
  - code: de
    label: Deutsch
    active: true
  - ...

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or later (config.*.yml)
#  Default Language in which the UI will be rendered if the user's browser language is not an active language
defaultLanguage: 'en',

#// Languages. DSpace Angular holds a message catalog for each of the following languages.
#// When set to active, users will be able to switch to the use of this language in the user interface.
# All out of the box language packs may be found in the ./src/assets/i18n/ directory
  -languages: [{
  code: 'en',
    label: 'English',
    active: true,
  - code: cs
    label: Čeština
    active: true
  -}, {
  code: 'de',
    label: 'Deutsch',
    active: true,
},  - 
Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
// Default Language in which the UI will be rendered if the user's browser language is not an active language
defaultLanguage: 'en',
// Languages. DSpace Angular holds a message catalog for each of the following languages.
// When set to active, users will be able to switch to the use of this language in the user interface.
languages: [{
  code: 'en',
  label: 'English',
  active: true,
}, {
  code: 'de',
  label: 'Deutsch',
  active: true,

The DSpace UI requires that a corresponding language pack file (named with the language code and ending in ".json5") be placed in ./src/assets/i18n/.  See also DSpace 7 Translation - Internationalization (i18n) - Localization (l10n) for information about how to create and contribute these files.

Browse By Settings


The DSpace UI requires that a corresponding language pack file (named with the language code and ending in ".json5") be placed in ./src/assets/i18n/.  See also DSpace 7 Translation - Internationalization (i18n) - Localization (l10n) for information about how to create and contribute these files.

Browse By Settings

In 7.2 or above, the "browseBy" section only provides basic UI configurations for "Browse by" pages (/browse path).  The "Browse by" options that appear in the "All of DSpace" header menu are determined dynamically from the REST API.  This allows the UI to change dynamically based on the configured browse indexes in Discovery.

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or later (config.*.yml)
  # Amount of years to display using jumps of one year (current year - oneYearLimit)
  oneYearLimit: 10
  # Limit for years to display using jumps of five years (current year - fiveYearLimit)
  fiveYearLimit: 30
  # The absolute lowest year to display in the dropdown (only used when no lowest date can be found for all items)
  defaultLowerLimit: 1900
  # If true, thumbnail images for items will be added to BOTH search and browse result lists. (default: true)
  showThumbnails: true
  # The number of entries in a paginated browse results list.
  # Rounded to the nearest size in the list of selectable sizes on the settings menu.
  pageSize: 20

# NOTE: The "types" section no longer exists, as it is determined dynamically via the REST API

In 7.1 or 7.0, the "browseBy" section allowed you to customize which "Browse by" options In 7.2 or above, the "browseBy" section only provides basic UI configurations for "Browse by" pages.  The "Browse by" options that appear in the "All of DSpace" header menu are determined dynamically from the REST API.  This allows the UI to change dynamically based on the configured browse indexes in the top of your DSpace site.  The "id" MUST correspond to the name of a valid Browse index available from your REST API (see documentation on the REST API /api/discover/browses endpoint).  It is possible to configure additional indexes on the Backend using Discovery, and any configured index appears in your REST API.

Code Block
Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 1 or later 7.0 (configenvironment.*.ymlts)
browseBy: {
  #// Amount of years to display using jumps of one year (current year - oneYearLimit)
  oneYearLimit: 10,
  #// Limit for years to display using jumps of five years (current year - fiveYearLimit)
  fiveYearLimit: 30,
  #// The absolute lowest year to display in the dropdown (only used when no lowest date can be found for all items)
  defaultLowerLimit: 1900
# NOTE: The "types" section no longer exists, as it is determined dynamically via the REST API

In 7.1 or 7.0, the "browseBy" section allowed you to customize which "Browse by" options appear in the "All of DSpace" header menu at the top of your DSpace site.  The "id" MUST correspond to the name of a valid Browse index available from your REST API (see documentation on the REST API /api/discover/browses endpoint).  It is possible to configure additional indexes on the Backend using Discovery, and any configured index appears in your REST API.

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
browseBy: {// List of all the active Browse-By types
  // Adding a type will activate their Browse-By page and add them to the global navigation menu,
  // Amountas ofwell yearsas tocommunity displayand usingcollection jumpspages
 of one// yearAllowed (currentfields yearand -their oneYearLimit)
  //    oneYearLimit: 10,id:             The browse id to use for fetching info from the rest api
  // Limit for years to display using jumps of five years (current year - fiveYearLimit)
  fiveYearLimit: 30,   type:           The type of Browse-By page to display
  //    metadataField:  The absolute lowest yearmetadata-field used to displaycreate instarts-with theoptions dropdown (only usednecessary when nothe lowesttype dateis canset be found for all itemsto 'date')
  defaultLowerLimittypes: 1900,[
  // List of all the active Browse-By types {
  // Adding a type will activate their Browse-By page and add them to the global navigation menu,
  // as well as community and collection pages
  // Allowed fields and their purpose:
  //    id:             The browse id to use for fetching info from the rest api
  //    type:           The type of Browse-By page to display
  //    metadataField:  The metadata-field used to create starts-with options (only necessary when the type is set to 'date')
  types: [
      id: 'title',
      type: BrowseByType.Title,
      id: 'dateissued',
      type: BrowseByType.Date,
      metadataField: ''
      id: 'author',
      type: BrowseByType.Metadata
      id: 'subject',
      type: BrowseByType.Metadata
},id: 'title',
      type: BrowseByType.Title,
      id: 'dateissued',
      type: BrowseByType.Date,
      metadataField: ''
      id: 'author',
      type: BrowseByType.Metadata
      id: 'subject',
      type: BrowseByType.Metadata

Community-List Settings


Available in 7.4 or later

The "communityList" section allows you to configure the behavior of the "Communities & Collections" page (/community-list path), which is linked in the header.

Code Block
  # Number of communities to list per expansion (i.e. each time you click "show more")
  pageSize: 20

Homepage Settings


Available in 7.4 or later

The "homePage" section allows you to configure the behavior of the DSpace homepage (/ path).

Code Block
    # The number of item showing in recent submissions list. Set to "0" to hide all recent submissions
    pageSize: 5
    # Date field to use to sort recent submissions
    sortField: ''
    # Number of communities to list (per page) on the home page
    # This will always round to the nearest number from the list of page sizes. e.g. if you set it to 7 it'll use 10
    pageSize: 5

Undo Settings

Both the "item" edit and "collection" edit screens allow you to undo changes within a specific time.  This is controlled by these settings:

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or later (config.*.yml)
    undoTimeout: 10000 # 10 seconds

    undoTimeout: 10000 # 10 seconds

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
item: {
  edit: {
    undoTimeout: 10000 #// 10 seconds
collection: {
  edit: {     
    undoTimeout: 10000 #// 10 seconds
Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)


Item access labels 


Available in 7.3 or later

Item access labels allow to display for each item in search results if it is Open Access, under embargo, restricted or metadata only (does not contain any file/bitstream). This feature is disabled by default, but can be enabled in your config.*.yml.

Code Block
# Item Config
  # Show the item access status label in items lists (default=false)
  showAccessStatuses: trueitem: {
  edit: {
    undoTimeout: 10000 // 10 seconds
collection: {
  edit: {     
    undoTimeout: 10000 // 10 seconds

Theme Settings

The "themes" section allows you to configure which theme(s) are enabled for your DSpace site (with the default theme being the "dspace" one).  You can enable a single theme across all pages, and/or enable specific alternative themes based on a specific Community, Collection or Item (by UUID or Handle), or based on a Regex match of a URL pattern.  This allows you fine grained control over how your site looks, including the ability to customize it per Community or Collection or even per specific pages in the site.  See User Interface Customization for details of how to create a new, custom theme.


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
// Whether to enable media viewer for image and/or video Bitstreams (i.e. Bitstreams whose MIME type starts with "image" or "video").
// For images, this enables a gallery viewer where you can zoom or page through images.
// For videosimages, this enables embeddeda video streaming
mediaViewer: {
  image: false,
  video: false,

Item access labels 


Available in 7.3 or later

Item access labels allow to display for each item in search results if it is Open Access, under embargo, restricted or metadata only (does not contain any file/bitstream). This feature is disabled by default, but can be enabled in your config.*.yml.

Code Block
# Item Config
  # Show the item access status label in items lists (default=false)
  showAccessStatuses: true


gallery viewer where you can zoom or page through images.
// For videos, this enables embedded video streaming
mediaViewer: {
  image: false,
  video: false,

Toggle end-user agreement and privacy policy

Available in 7.4 or later


Code Block
  enableEndUserAgreement: false  
  enablePrivacyStatement: false

By default the features are enabled.

Code Block
// Whether the end- user-agreement and privacy policy feature should be enabled or not.  
// Disabling the end user agreement feature will result in:  
// - Users no longer being forced to accept the end-user-agreement before they can access the repository  
// - A 404 page if you manually try to navigate to the end-user-agreement page at info/end-user-agreement  
// - All end-user-agreement related links and pages will be removed from the UI (e.g. in the footer)  
// Disabling the privacy policy feature will result in:  
// - A 404 page if you manually try to navigate to the privacy policy page at info/privacy  
// - All mentions of the privacy policy being removed from the UI (e.g. in the footer)  
info: InfoConfig = {  
  enableEndUserAgreement: true,  
  enablePrivacyStatement: true  


 agreement is required before users may use the repository.
  # If enabled, the user will be required to accept the agreement before they can use the repository.
  # If disabled, the page will not exist and no agreement is required to use the repository
  enableEndUserAgreement: false
  # Whether the privacy statement should exist or not.
  enablePrivacyStatement: false

By default the features are enabled.

Universal (Server-side Rendering) Settings

titleOnly valid for 7.1 or 7.0

As of DSpace 7.2, these settings are no longer editable. Universal is automatically enabled at all times to support Search Engine Optimization.

The "universal" section pertains to enabling/disabling Angular Universal for Server-side rendering.  DSpace requires server-side rendering to support Search Engine Optimization. When it's turned off, your site may not be able to be indexed in Google, Google Scholar and other search engines.

Code Block
// Angular Universal settings
universal: {
  preboot: true,
  async: true,
  time: false

Debug Settings

The "debug" property allows you to turn on debugging in the Angular UI.  When enabled, your environment and all Redux actions/transfers are logged to the console.  This is only ever needed if you are debugging a tricky issue.

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or later (config.*.yml)
# NOTE: will log all redux actions and transfers in console
debug: false

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
// NOTE: will log all redux actions and transfers in console
debug: false