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Table of Contents


In an effort to improve entry level user experience and make new users immediately productive, DuraSpace, the not-for-profit organization supporting the DSpace and Fedora technologies, proposes the creation of KnowledgeSpace. KnowledgeSpace would be a set of on-line materials modeled after the Ruby on Rail's RailGuides ( and would include screencasts, text-based guide, Powerpoint slides, and, if available links to relevant video/webinar. The resources in KnowledgeSpace would be collaboratively developed by DuraSpace, our Registered Service Providers, committers, developers and user communities.

What are the goals of KnowledgeSpace?

KnowledgeSpace is a framework designed to make users immediately productive with either DSpace or Fedora and help users understand how to set up and run and repository using either technology.

KnowledgeSpace aims to provide a framework and encourage community collaboration to produce a set of tools that will improve entry level DSpace and Fedora user experience.


KnowledgeSpace is not a duplication or replacement for the official software documentation for either DSpace or Fedora. Rather, it is intended to be a supplemental resource, including dynamic content delivered through various methods (written text, screencasts, presentation slides, webinar recordings, etc.) which describe specific examples to make the material as accessible as possible.

What is the strategy / next steps?


Next steps


  1. create table of content page and a team for each project, solicit feedback
  2. create wiki space for education curriculum
  3. create examples for each vehicle: (a) Screencast, (b) Text-based Guide, (c) Powerpoint based
    1. DSpace: 
      1. Basic intro on XMLUI - w/screencast, text guide and Powerpoint
      2. install/set up process (paragraph descriptor only w/references and future plans)
      3. What is DSpace?/Why use DSpace? Jonathan working on already
    2. Fedora: 
      1. installation
      2. conceptual Fedora (what is an object? what is a Fedora repository?)
      3. What is Fedora? Why use Fedora? Jonathan working on already
  4. develop a contributor process
    1. all materials need to be reviewed/approved - make sure information is accurate and there are no writes violation, ensure a copy is permanently stored in a repository
    2. all contributors to sign license agreements - Apache 2 both ICLA (individual) and CCLA (corporate) licences, and then Creative Commons on the content - use one of the some rights reserved - future opp to pkg up and profit from it


  • What is DSpace - why use DSpace? - not mktg piece, help audience understand what DSpace does 
    • what DSpace does really well and not so well
    • why would you chose DSpace vs. Fedora (same content as in Fedora version)
  • Topics regarding Installation/Setup:
    • Installing DSpace for the First Time - What you need to plan for, how to do it.
    • Overview of DSpace Interface Options (XMLUI, JSPUI, OAI, SWORD, LNI) - What to choose and how to make a decision 
    • Overview of DSpace directories & where data is stored in DSpace (high-level architecture overview).
    • Basic Configuration options – intro to the 'config' directory
    • Feature Overview
    • Intro to Upgrading DSpace
  • Topics about getting started with UI Basics:
    • Overview of Communities & Collections - Create your first Community, Create your first Collection
    • Getting started with Adding Users / Groups
    • Getting started with DSpace Access Controls / Rights
    • Submit your first Item
    • Browsing & Searching DSpace
    • Editing your DSpace Profile, email notifications, etc.
  • DSpace Administration:


  • What is Fedora - Why use Fedora? - not mktg piece, help audience understand what Fedora does
    • What Fedora does really well and not so well
    • Why would you chose Fedora vs. DSpace (same content as in DSpace version)
  • Fedora Concepts (START HERE|display/FCR30/Getting+Started+with+Fedora\)
  • Installation and Setup (START HERE|display/FCR30/Installation+and+Configuration+Guide\)
  • Core Interfaces and Integrations:
    • REST API Overview
    • Semantic Web and Linked Data Overview
    • Storage - Overview and Plugins Available
    • Search - Blacklight, GSearch, RIsearch
    • Messaging - Written by UVA?
  • Fedora Administration
    • Security
      • Authentication (Login) Overview
      • Authorization (Policy Enforcement) Overview
    • Logs
    • Backups and Restores
      • Using local storage
      • Using DuraCloud
    • Replication via Journaling
  • Applications Built on Fedora
    • Hydra (Libra, Hydrangea, etc)
    • Islandora
    • DSpace (Future)