Versions Compared


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  • What is Fedora - why Why use fedoraFedora? - not mktg piece, help audience understand what Fedora does
    • What Fedora does really well and not so well
    • Why would you chose Fedora vs. DSpace (same content as in DSpace version)
    Installation and Setup (START HERE
    • )
  • Fedora Concepts (START HERE)
    • What is a Fedora Object
    • What is a Fedora Repository
    • Content Modeling
      • Overview (surface level, for collection managers)
      • In depth, RDF, etc. version (for developers/integrators) (START HERE)
  • Installation and Setup (START HERE)
  • Core Interfaces and Integrations:
    • REST API
    • Authentication (Login) Overview
    • Authorization (Policy Enforcement) Overview
    • Semantic Web and Linked Data Overview
  • storage extraction - which storage plug in should you use and how to configure - (START HERE WITH PLACE HOLDER PARAGRAPH)
    • Storage - Overview and Plugins Available
    • Search
    core integrations:
    • search - Blacklight, GsearchGSearch, RIsearch, connected to semantic link
    • messaging Messaging - written Written by UVA?
  • back up and replication - std/snapshots backup, journaling replcation, duracloud replication
  • operations - backups, logs, etc. - overveiw of what i do to scale up, how do i do backups
  • Fedora Administration
    • Security
      • Authentication (Login) Overview
      • Authorization (Policy Enforcement) Overview
    • Logs
    • Backups and Restores
      • Using local storage
      • Using DuraCloud
    • Replication via Journaling
  • Applications Built on Fedora
    • Hydra (Libra, Hydrangea, etc)
    • Islandora
    • DSpace (Future)
    applications on top - to help faciliate getting a repository up
    • hydra
    • islandora
    • in the future - dspace