Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Source Space: DuraCloud space where source files can be found
  2. Copy to this store: DuraCloud store to which content will be copied
  3. Copy to this space: DuraCloud space where content will be copied
  4. Standard vs. Advanced configuration
    1. Standard mode automatically sets up the service to be run
    2. Advanced mode allows the user to configure the number and type of servers that will be used to run the job
      1. Number of Server Instances: The number of servers to use to perform the duplication task.
      2. Type of Server: The type (size) of server used as perform the task. The larger the server, the faster the processing will occur. Larger servers also cost more than smaller servers to run. For more information, see the Amazon EC2 documentation.

Service Output
All outputs of this service are placed in the system space, x-service-out.

  1. duplicate-on-demand/duplicate-results-<date>.csv
    • Final report indicating which files were duplicated, as well as any failures encountered

Image Server


The Image Server provides a viewer for image files through use of the Djatoka image server. While this service is geared towards serving JPEG 2000 images, it supports multiple image file types by converting them to JPEG 2000 format on the fly.


  1. bitintegrity/fingerprints-gen-<spaceId>-<date>.csv
    • interim Interim listing generated with hash values from underlying storage provider
  2. bitintegrity/fingerprints-<spaceId>-<date>.csv
    • interim Interim listing with hashes recalculated from content streams
  3. bitintegrity/fixity-report-<spaceId>-<date>.csv
    • final Final report with status of integrity check


  1. Mode 1 - Generate integrity information for a Space
    1. Get integrity information from...
      1. The storage provider: Determine the file MD5 by asking the storage provider for its stored MD5 value
      2. The files themselves: Determine the file MD5 by retrieving them from the storage provider and computing the MD5
    2. Stores: The underlying storage provider in which the following space resides
      1. Space containing content items: The DuraCloud space in which the content items to be considered reside
  2. Mode 2 - Generate integrity information for an item list
    1. Get integrity information from...
      1. The storage provider: Determine the file MD5 by asking the storage provider for its stored MD5 value
      2. The files themselves: Determine the file MD5 by retrieving them from the storage provider and computing the MD5
      3. Input listing name: Name of the content item which contains the listing of items over which to run the service
    2. Stores: The underlying storage provider in which the following space resides
      1. Space with input listing: The DuraCloud space in which the input listing file resides
  3. Mode 3 - Compare two integrity reports
    1. Input listing name: Name of the first content item which contains a listing of items to be compared to the second listing
    2. Second input listing name: Name of the second content item which contains a listing of items to be compared to the first listing
    3. Stores: The underlying storage provider in which the following spaces reside
      1. Space with input listing: The DuraCloud space in which the first input listing file resides
      2. Space with second input listing: The DuraCloud space in which the second input listing file resides

Service Ouputs
All outputs of this service are placed in the system space, x-service-out.

  1. bitintegrity/fingerprints-<spaceId>-<date>.csv
    • listing Listing of hashes when running in from space or from list modes
  2. bitintegrity/fixity-report-<listingId-0>-vs-<listingId-1>-<date>.csv
    • comparison Comparison report of two hash listings


  1. Space to verify: DuraCloud space where source files are stored
  2. Service Mode
    1. Verify integrity of a Space: Retrieves all items in a space, computes the checksum of each, and compares that value with the MD5 value available from the storage provider
    2. Verify integrity from an item list: Retrieves all items listed in the item list, computes the checksum of each, and compares that value with the MD5 value provided in the item list
      1. Space with input listing: The DuraCloud space in which the input listing file resides
      2. Input listing name: Name of the content item which contains the listing of items over which to run the service
  3. Standard vs. Advanced configuration
    1. Standard mode automatically sets up the service to be run
    2. Advanced mode allows the user to configure the number and type of servers that will be used to run the job
      1. Number of Server Instances: The number of servers to use to perform the duplication task.
      2. Type of Server: The type (size) of server used as perform the task. The larger the server, the faster the processing will occur. Larger servers also cost more than smaller servers to run. For more information, see the Amazon EC2 documentation.

Service Ouputs
All outputs of this service are placed in the system space, x-service-out.

  1. bitIntegrity-bulk/bitIntegrity-report-<date>.csv
    • final Final report with status of integrity check
  2. bitIntegrity-bulk/bitIntegrity-results.csv
    • interim Interim listing with hashes recalculated from content streams


  1. Source Space: DuraCloud space where source image files are stored
  2. Destination Space: DuraCloud space where transformed image files will be placed, along with a file which details the results of the conversion process
  3. Destination Format: The image format to which the source files will be transformed
  4. Destination Color Space: The colorspace of the transformed files, either "Source Image Color Space", meaning that the colorspace of the original image will be used, or sRGB, meaning that the colorspace will be transformed to sRGB.
  5. Source file name prefix: Only files beginning with the value provided here will be transformed. For example, if you enter ABC, only files whose names begin with the string ABC will be processed. This field is optional.
  6. Source file name suffix: Only files ending with the value provided here will be transformed. For example, you enter .jpg, only files whose names ends with the string .jpg will be processed. This field is optional.

Service Output
All outputs of this service are placed in the system space, x-service-out.

  1. image-transformer/image-transformer-results-<date>.csv
    • Final report indicating images converted and any errors encountered.

Image Transformer - Bulk



  1. Source Space: DuraCloud space where source image files are stored
  2. Destination Space: DuraCloud space where transformed image files will be placed, along with a file which details the results of the transformation process
  3. Destination Format: The image format to which the source files will be transformed
  4. Destination Color Space: The colorspace of the transformed files, either "Source Image Color Space", meaning that the colorspace of the original image will be used, or sRGB, meaning that the colorspace will be transformed to sRGB.
  5. Source file name prefix: Only files beginning with the value provided here will be transformed. For example, if you enter ABC, only files whose names begin with the string ABC will be processed. This field is optional.
  6. Source file name suffix: Only files ending with the value provided here will be transformed. For example, you enter .jpg, only files whose names ends with the string .jpg will be processed. This field is optional.
  7. Standard vs. Advanced configuration
    1. Standard mode automatically sets up the service to be run
    2. Advanced mode allows the user to configure the number and type of servers that will be used to run the job
      1. Number of Server Instances: The number of servers to use to perform the duplication task.
      2. Type of Server: The type (size) of server used as perform the task. The larger the server, the faster the processing will occur. Larger servers also cost more than smaller servers to run. For more information, see the Amazon EC2 documentation.

Service Output
All outputs of this service are placed in the system space, x-service-out.

  1. image-transformer-bulk/image-transformer-results-<date>.csv
    • Final report indicating images converted and any errors encountered.

System Transformer Utility
