Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Combining these 2 services allows application code to select appropriate resources based on context attributes: thus have thereby having context help guide ingest.


It is the responsibility of the agent configuring RCL expressions to ensure that a default resource is always available, if this is the desired behavior; CGI will happily allow an expression to evaluate to null.

Composing Resources

We alluded to the fact that the rule language used to select resources from resource keys was called a composition language. To briefly elucidate, some resource types have a natural (de)composability or combinability that CGI can usefully exploit. Let us take metadata templates as an example. Currently in DSpace, one can (optionally) define one template for any collection. If defined, this template is applied by assigning the metadata values in the template to new items. Conceptually, the set of values making up the template could be a combination (sum) of other templates, say one that is used for the collection, and one that is used for a given content type. RCL will give us the ability to do this declaratively:

Code Block

This expression would combine the format template with the collection template to deliver a single resource. Not all resources are as naturally composable as metadata templates (after all, DC by definition allow repeatable values), but the flexibility it offers tempts one to reimplement them to be so.

The Implementation

For clients of the CGI services, knowledge of the APIs and configuration properties discussed above should be sufficient to obtain the primary benefits of the facility: it makes no difference how they are implemented. But for the curious, the following discussion details some of the key decisions and trade-offs that could be encountered in creating an acceptable, performant, and sustainable CGI implementation. And even the base service implementation raises numerous questions about user interfaces (esp. to the ResourceMapping service, but possibly also the ContextService) that might invoke them, which the base CGI does not address directly at all.


The situation with Ingest Resources is quite different, as noted above: current DSpace practice (which basically all derives from configurable submission) is to encode the resource data in an XML file, which is parsed at runtime (typically by an affiliated 'Reader' helper class) to create immutable (read-only) access objects. In this sense, there is no resource persistence problem, since XML disk files are quite persistent. In fact, it is interesting to note that the same XML files typically also contain what CGI would call a resource map: that is, a set of values mapped to resource instances.