Versions Compared


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  • ORCID Authentication and synchronization to a DSpace Researcher Profile (ported from the DSpace-CRIS project, partially donated and developed by 4Science). See ORCID Integration
  • Import content directly from 9 new external services including CrossRef, Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed Europe, CiNii, NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS),,, and the European Patent Office (EPO) (ported from the DSpace-CRIS project, partially donated and developed by 4Science). See Importing Items via basic bibliographic formats (Endnote, BibTex, RIS, TSVCSV, CSVetc) and online services (OAI, arXiv, PubMed, CrossRef, CiNii, etc)
  • Configurable Entities now support Item Versioning. It is now possible to create versions of Entities which automatically retain all relationships. Examples of how versioning works can be found in "Versioning Support" section of "Configurable Entities".  Also refer to Item Level Versioning documentation for a general overview of how versioning works in DSpace.
  • Admin "Health" menu provides basic control panel functionality (based on 6.x Control Panel). When logged in as an Administrator, select "Health" from the side menu.  You'll see a "Status" tab which provides useful information about the status of the DSpace backend, and an "Info" tab which provides an overview of backend configurations and Java information.
  • Validate a Batch Metadata CSV before applying changes (similar to 6.x).  When uploading a CSV for batch updates (using "Import" menu), a new "Validate Only" option is selected by default. When selected, the uploaded CSV will only be validated & you'll receive a report of the detected changes in the CSV.  This allows you to verify the changes are correct before applying them.  (NOTE: applying the changes requires re-submitting the CSV with the "Validate Only" option deselected)
  • Export search results to a CSV (similar to 6.x).When logged in as an Administrator, after performing a search a new "Export search results as CSV" button appears. Clicking it will export the metadata of all items in your search results to a CSV.  This CSV can then be used to perform batch metadata updates (based on the items in your search results).
  • Submission forms support display of SHERPA/RoMEO publisher policies when an ISSN is entered (similar to 6.x). A new "sherpaPolicies" optional submission step exists. When enabled, a new "Sherpa policies" section appears in the form. If a submitter enters an ISSN, then that form section will display publisher policies based on that ISSN.   See and  (Additional documentation forthcoming) "Configuring the Sherpa Romeo step" in the "Submission User Interface"
  • Submission forms support type-based fields (ported from the DSpace-CRIS project by Kim Shepherd of The Library Code, with support from Technische Universität Berlin) (similar to 6.x): Based on the selected Type (dc.type), the form may dynamically add/change metadata fields available. See "Item Type Based Metadata Collection" in Submission User Interface
  • Preview items during workflow approval (similar to 6.x). When viewing the list of all items under workflow (in "My DSpace" → "Show: Workflow Tasks"), it's now possible to preview each item (before claiming or reviewing) by clicking the View button.
  • Withdrawn items now show a tombstone page (similar to 6.x). When an item is withdrawn, accessing it's homepage as a non-Administrator now brings you to a "tombstone" page which notes that the Item was withdrawn.  (Administrative users can see see the entire item when they are logged in)
  • RSS/Atom feeds for Site, Community & Collection pages (Donated by Atmire) (similar to 6.x). On the homepage, and on every Community or Collection page, a Syndication Feed icon now appears. Clicking it brings you to an Atom feed of the most recent submissions (either sitewide, or specific to that Community/Collection).
  • Optionally, Item "access status" badges (e.g. "open access", "restricted", "metadata only", "embargoed") can be displayed in all Item lists. (Donated by Université LavalThis feature can be enabled via the new "showAccessStatuses" setting in config.*.yml.  See User Interface Configuration and
  • Optionally, a welcome email can be sent to all newly registered users (Donated by Mark H. Wood of IUPUI).  This can be enabled using the new "mail.welcome.enabled" backend configuration in your local.cfg.
  • Oracle Database support has been deprecated. It will be removed in mid-2023. All sites should plan a migration to PostgreSQL. See
