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The DuraCloud application provides a set of services which can be deployed and used for a variety of purposes, primarily to process the content which has been loaded into DuraCloud storage. The following list of services describes how each service is expected to be used and the options available for tailoring the service to your needs.

Note that all services currently have a "Location" configuration option which is intended to allow for the deployment of services at varying locations. At the moment, however, services can only be deployed on the primary service instance. As this configuration option is consistent across all services it will not be included in the listing for each service.Also note that the current way all DuraCloud services are configured, they will not auto-restart if they fail during processing. If you notice a failed job state, simply redeploy the service. Automatic service recovery is on the roadmap for DuraCloud development in the near future and will be made available as soon as possible.


The Duplicate on Upload service provides a way to ensure that the content added to DuraCloud is stored with at least two storage providers. The Duplicate on Upload service performs on-ingest duplication of content. This means that once the Duplicate on Upload service is deployed, it watches for all content that is added to your DuraCloud account, determines if it should be copied to another DuraCloud store, and if so, performs the copy. All content that is copied will be placed in an identically named space in the secondary storage location.

Configuration Options:

  1. Duplicate from Watch this store for uploads: The primary storage location which DuraCloud will monitor for file additions. When files are added to this store, they will be copied to the secondary store.
  2. Duplication Copy to this store: The secondary store where content will be copied after it has been added to the primary store.


  1. Source Space: DuraCloud space where source files can be found
  2. Replicate Copy to this store: DuraCloud store to which content will be copied
  3. Replicate Copy to this space: DuraCloud space where content will be copiedStore results file in this space: DuraCloud space (on the primary store) where results file will be placed
  4. Standard vs. Advanced Bulk configuration
    1. Standard allows the user to choose "Optimize for cost" or "Optimize for speed"mode automatically sets up the service to be run
    2. Advanced mode Advanced allows the user to configure the number and type of servers to use that will be used to run the job
      1. Number of Server Instances: The number of servers to use to perform the replication duplication task.
      2. Type of Server: The type (size) of server used as perform the task. The larger the server, the faster the processing will occur. Larger servers also cost more than smaller servers to run. For more information, see the Amazon EC2 documentation.
