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Although many of DSpace's functions such as document discovery and retrieval can be used anonymously, some features (and perhaps some documents) are only available to certain "privileged" users. E-People and Groups are the way DSpace identifies application users for the purpose of granting privileges. This identity is bound to a session of a DSpace application such as the Web UI or one of the command-line batch programs. Both E-People and Groups are granted privileges by the authorization system described below.


DSpace hold holds the following information about each e-person:

  • E-mail address
  • First and last names
  • Whether the user is able to log in to the system via the Web UI, and whether they must use an X509 certificate to do so;
  • A password (encrypted), if appropriate
  • A list of collections for which the e-person wishes to be notified of new items
  • Whether the e-person 'self-registered' with the system; that is, whether the system created the e-person record automatically as a result of the end-user independently registering with the system, as opposed to the e-person record being generated from the institution's personnel database, for example.
  • The network ID for the corresponding LDAP record, if LDAP authentication is used for this E-Person.


Groups are another kind of entity that can be granted permissions in the authorization system. A group is usually an explicit list of E-People; anyone identified as one of those E-People also gains the privileges granted to the group.


Administrators can also use groups as "roles" to manage the granting of privileges more efficiently.


Authentication is when an application session positively identifies itself as belonging to an E-Person and/or Group. In DSpace 1.4 and later, it is implemented by a mechanism called Stackable Authentication: the DSpace configuration declares a "stack" of authentication methods. An application (like the Web UI) calls on the Authentication Manager, which tries each of these methods in turn to identify the E-Person to which the session belongs, as well as any extra Groups. The E-Person authentication methods are tried in turn until one succeeds. Every authenticator in the stack is given a chance to assign extra Groups. This mechanism offers the following advantages:


DSpace's authorization system is based on associating actions with objects and the lists of EPeople who can perform them. The associations are called Resource Policies, and the lists of EPeople are called Groups. There are two special built-in groups: 'Administrators', who can do anything in a site, and 'Anonymous', which is a list that contains all users. Assigning a policy for an action on an object to anonymous means giving everyone permission to do that action. (For example, most objects in DSpace sites have a policy of 'anonymous' READ.) Permissions must be explicit - lack of an explicit permission results in the default policy of 'deny'. Permissions also do not 'commute'; for example, if an e-person has READ permission on an item, they might not necessarily have READ permission on the bundles and bitstreams in that item. Currently Collections, Communities and Items are discoverable in the browse and search systems regardless of READ authorization.
