Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The metadata element carries generic metadata information in the form on an attribute-value pair. The type of information it contains is determined by two attributes: element, which specifies the general type of metadata stored, and an optional qualifier attribute that narrows the type down. The standard representation for this pairing is element.qualifier. The actual metadata is contained in the text of the tag itself. Additionally, a language attribute can be used to specify the language used for the metadata entry.


  • userMeta
  • pageMeta


  • none


  • element: requiredThe (required) The name of a metadata field.
  • language: optionalAn (optional) An optional attribute to specify the language used in the metadata tag.
  • qualifier: optionalAn (optional) An optional postfix to the field name used to further differentiate the names.
Code Block

     <metadata element="identifier" qualifier="firstName"> Bob
	</metadata> <metadata element="identifier" qualifier="lastName"> Jones
	</metadata> <metadata ...> ...
     <metadata element="rights"
	qualifier="accessRights">user</metadata> <metadata ...> ...


Top-Level Container

The options element is the main container for all actions and navigation options available to the user. It consists of any number of list elements whose items contain navigation information and actions. While any list of navigational options may be contained in this element, it is suggested that at least the following 5 lists be included.


  • document


  • list


  • (any)


  • None
Code Block
<document version=1.0>

    <meta> Ö... </meta>

    <body> Ö... </body>


        <list n="navigation-example1"

            <head>Example Navigation List 1</head>

            <item><xref target="/link/to/option">Option

            <item><xref target="/link/to/option">Option



        <list n="navigation-example2"

            <head>Example Navigation List 2</head>

            <item><xref target="/link/to/option">Option

            <item><xref target="/link/to/option">Option







Rich Text Container


The p element is a rich text container used by divs to display textual data in a paragraph format. As a rich text container it can contain hyperlinks, emphasized blocks of text, images and form fields in addition to plain text.


  • div


  • hi


  • (any)
  • xref


  • (any)
  • figure


  • (any)
  • field


  • (any)


  • id: optionalA (optional) A unique identifier of the element.
  • n: optionalA (optional) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings.
  • rend: optionalA (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
Code Block

<div n="division-example"

     <p> This is a regular paragraph.
	</p> <p> This text is normal, while <hi rend="bold">this text is bold
	and this text is <hi rend="italic">bold and italic.</hi></hi>
	</p> <p> This paragraph contains a <xref
	target="/link/target">link</xref>, a static <figure
	source="/image.jpg">image</figure>, and a <figure target=
	"/link/target" source="/image.jpg">image link.</figure>



Metadata Element

The pageMeta element contains metadata associated with the document itself. It contains generic metadata elements to carry the content, and any number of trail elements to provide information on the userís user's current location in the system. Required and suggested values for metadata elements contained in pageMeta include but are not limited to:

  • browser (suggested): The user√≠s user's browsing agent as reported to server in the HTTP request.
  • browser.type (suggested): The general browser family as derived form the browser metadata field. Possible values may include "MSIE" (for Microsoft Internet Explorer), "Opera" (for the Opera browser), "Apple" (for Apple web kit based browsers), "Gecko" (for Netscape, Mozilla, and Firefox based browsers), or "Lynx" (for text based browsers).
  • browser.version (suggested): The browser version as reported by HTTP Request.
  • contextPath (required): The base URL of the Digital Repository system.
  • redirect.time (suggested): The time that must elapse before the page is redirected to an address specified by the redirect.url metadata element.
  • redirect.url (suggested): The URL destination of a redirect page
  • title (required): The title of the document/page that the user currently browsing.

See the metadata and trail tag entries for more information on their structure.ParentmetaChildrenmetadata


  • meta


  • metadata (any)
  • trail


  • (any)



  • None
Code Block

    <userMeta> ... </userMeta>


        <metadata element="title">Examlpe DRI


        <metadata ...> ... </metadata>


        <trail source="123456789/6"> A bread crumb item

        <trail ...> ... </trail>



