Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • version: (required) Version number of the schema this document adheres to. At the time of writing the only valid version numbers are "1.0" or "1.1". Future iterations of this schema may increment the version number.
Code Block


Text Container

Structural Element

The field element is a container for all information necessary to create a form field. The required type attribute determines the type of the field, while the children tags carry the information on how to build it. Fields can only occur in divisions tagged as "interactive".


  • cell
  • p
  • hi
  • item


  • params


  • (one)
  • help


  • (zero or one)
  • error


  • (any)
  • option


  • (any - only with the select type)
  • value


  • (any - only available on fields of type: select, checkbox, or radio)
  • field


  • (one or more - only with the composite type)
  • valueSet


  • (any)


  • disabled: optionalAccepted (optional) Accepted values are √¨yes√Æ, √¨no√Æ"yes", "no". Determines whether the field allows user input. Rendering of disabled fields may vary with implementation and display media.
  • id: requiredA (required) A unique identifier for a field element.
  • n: requiredA (required) A non-unique local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings within an interactive division. This is the name of the field use when data is submitted back to the server.
  • rend: optionalA (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
  • required: optionalAccepted (optional) Accepted values are √¨yes√Æ, √¨no√Æ"yes", "no". Determines whether the field is a required component of the form and thus cannot be left blank.
  • type: requiredA (required) A required attribute to specify the type of value. Accepted types are:
    • button: A button input control that when activated by the user will submit the form, including all the fields, back to the server for processing.
    • checkbox: A boolean input control which may be toggled by the user. A checkbox may have several fields which share the same name and each of those fields may be toggled independently. This is distinct from a radio button where only one field may be toggled.
    • file: An input control that allows the user to select files to be submitted with the form. Note that a form which uses a file field must use the multipart method.
    • hidden: An input control that is not rendered on the screen and hidden from the user.
    • password: A single-line text input control where the input text is rendered in such a way as to hide the characters from the user.
    • radio: A boolean input control which may be toggled by the user. Multiple radio button fields may share the same name. When this occurs only one field may be selected to be true. This is distinct from a checkbox where multiple fields may be toggled.
    • select: A menu input control which allows the user to select from a list of available options.
    • text: A single-line text input control.
    • textarea: A multi-line text input control.
    • composite: A composite input control combines several input controls into a single field. The only fields that may be combined together are: checkbox, password, select, text, and textarea. When fields are combined together they can posses multiple combined values.
Code Block

  <hi> ... </hi>
  <xref> ... </xref>
  <figure> ... </figure>
   <field id="" n="name" type="text"
    <params size="16" maxlength="32"/>
    <help>Some help text with <i18n>localized
    <value type="raw">Default value goes


Text Container

Structural Element

The figure element is used to embed a reference to an image or a graphic element. It can be mixed freely with text, and any text within the tag itself will be used as an alternative descriptor or a caption.


  • cell
  • p
  • hi
  • item


  • none


  • rend: optionalA (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
  • source: optionalThe (optional) The source for the image, using either a URL or a pre-defined XML entity.
  • target: optionalA (optional) A target for an image used as a link, using either a URL or an id of an existing element as a destination.
Code Block

    <hi> ... </hi>
    <xref> ... </xref>
    <field> ... </field>
     <figure source=""> This is a static image.
	</figure> <figure source=""
      This image is also a link.


Text Container

Structural Element

The head element is primarily used as a label associated with its parent element. The rendering is determined by its parent tag, but can be overridden by the rend attribute. Since there can only be one head element associated with a particular tag, the n attribute is not needed, and the id attribute is optional.


  • div
  • table
  • list
  • referenceSet


  • none


  • id: optionalA (optional) A unique identifier of the element
  • n: optionalA (optional) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings
  • rend: optionalA (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
Code Block

<div ...>
     <head> This is a simple header associated with its div element.
    <div ...>
       <head rend="green"> This header will be green.
         <head> A header with <i18n>localized content</i18n>.
    <table ...>
       <head> ...
    <list ...>
       <head> ...


Text Container

Structural Element

The optional help element is used to supply help instructions in plain text and is normally contained by the field element. The method used to render the help text in the target markup is up to the theme.


  • field


  • none


  • None
Code Block
    <hi> ... </hi>
    <xref> ... </xref>
    <figure> ... </figure>
    <field id="" n="name" type="text"
      <params size="16" maxlength="32" />
       <help>Some help text with <i18n>localized


The hi element is used for emphasis of text and occurs inside character containers like p and list item. It can be mixed freely with text, and any text within the tag itself will be emphasized in a manner specified by the required rend attribute. Additionally, hi element is the only text container component that is a rich text container itself, meaning it can contain other tags in addition to plain text. This allows it to contain other text containers, including other hi tags.


  • cell
  • p
  • item
  • hi


  • hi


  • (any)
  • xref


  • (any)
  • figure


  • (any)
  • field


  • (any)


  • rend: requiredA (required) A required attribute used to specify the exact type of emphasis to apply to the contained text. Common values include but are not limited to "bold", "italic", "underline", and "emph".
Code Block

    This text is normal, while  <hi rend="bold">this text is bold and
	this text is <hi rend="italic">bold and


Structural Element
