Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The cell element contained in a row of a table carries content for that table. It is a character container, just like p, item, and hi, and its primary purpose is to display textual data, possibly enhanced with hyperlinks, emphasized blocks of text, images and form fields. Every cell can be annotated with a role (the most common being ìheaderî and ìdataî) and can stretch across any number of rows and columns. Since cells cannot exist outside their container, row, their id attribute is optional.


  • row


  • hi


  • (any)
  • xref


  • (any)
  • figure


  • (any)
  • field


  • (any)


  • cols: optionalThe (optional) The number of columns the cell spans.
  • id: optionalA (optional) A unique identifier of the element.
  • n: optionalA (optional) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings.
  • rend: optionalA (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
  • role: optionalAn (optional) An optional attribute to override the containing row√≠s role settings.
  • rows: optionalThe (optional) The number of rows the cell spans.
Code Block

<table n="table-example" id="XMLExample.table.table-example" rows="2"
    <row role="head">
       <cell cols="2">Data Label One and Two</cell> <cell>Data Label
       <cell> Value One </cell> <cell> Value Two </cell> <cell> Value
	Three </cell>


Structural Element

The div element represents a major section of content and can contain a wide variety of structural elements to present that content to the user. It can contain paragraphs, tables, and lists, as well as references to artifact information stored in artifactMeta, repositoryMeta, collections, and communities. The div element is also recursive, allowing it to be further divided into other divs. Divs can be of two types: interactive and static. The two types are set by the use of the interactive attribute and differ in their ability to contain interactive content. Children elements of divs tagged as interactive can contain form fields, with the action and method attributes of the div serving to resolve those fields.


  • body
  • div


  • head


  • (zero or one)
  • pagination


  • (zero or one)
  • table


  • (any)
  • p


  • (any)
  • referenceSet


  • (any)
  • list


  • (any)
  • div


  • (any)


  • action: (required for interactiveThe interactive) The form action attribute determines where the form information should be sent for processing.
  • behavior: (optional for interactiveThe interactive) The acceptable behavior options that may be used on this form. The only possible value defined at this time is √¨ajax√Æ "ajax" which means that the form may be submitted multiple times for each individual field in this form. Note that if the form is submitted multiple times it is best for the behaviorSensitiveFields to be updated as well.
  • behaviorSensitiveFields: (optional for interactiveA interactive) A space separated list of field names that are sensitive to behavior. These fields must be updated each time a form is submitted with out a complete refresh of the page (i.e. ajax).
  • currentPage: optionalFor (optional) For paginated divs, the currentPage attribute indicates the index of the page currently displayed for this div.
  • firstItemIndex: optionalFor (optional) For paginated divs, the firstItemIndex attribute indicates the index of the first item included in this div.
  • id: requiredA (required) A unique identifier of the element.
  • interactive: optionalAccepted (optional) Accepted values are √¨yes√Æ, √¨no√Æ"yes", "no". This attribute determines whether the div is interactive or static. Interactive divs must provide action and method and can contain field elements.
  • itemsTotal: optionalFor (optional) For paginated divs, the itemsTotal attribute indicates how many items exit across all paginated divs.
  • lastItemIndex: optionalFor (optional) For paginated divs, the lastItemIndex attribute indicates the index of the last item included in this div.
  • method: (required for interactiveAccepted interactive) Accepted values are √¨get√Æ, √¨post√Æ"get", "post", and √¨multipart√Æ"multipart". Determines the method used to pass gathered field values to the handler specified by the action attribute. The multipart method should be used for uploading files.
  • n: requiredA (required) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings.
  • nextPage: optionalFor (optional) For paginated divs the nextPage attribute points to the URL of the next page of the div, if it exists.
  • pagesTotal: optionalFor (optional) For paginated divs, the pagesTotal attribute indicates how many pages the paginated divs spans.
  • pageURLMask: optionalFor (optional) For paginated divs, the pageURLMask attribute contains the mask of a url to a particular page within the paginated set. The destination page√≠s page's number should replace the {pageNum} string in the URL mask to generate a full URL to that page.
  • pagination: optionalAccepted (optional) Accepted values are √¨simple√Æ, √¨masked√Æ"simple", "masked". This attribute determines whether the div is spread over several pages. Simple paginated divs must provide previousPage, nextPage, itemsTotal, firstItemIndex, lastItemIndex attributes. Masked paginated divs must provide currentPage, pagesTotal, pageURLMask, itemsTotal, firstItemIndex, lastItemIndex attributes.
  • previousPage: optionalFor (optional) For paginated divs the previousPage attribute points to the URL of the previous page of the div, if it exists.
  • rend: optionalA (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element. In the case of the div tag, it is also encouraged to label it as either √¨primary√Æ or √¨secondary√Æ"primary" or "secondary". Divs marked as primary contain content, while secondary divs contain auxiliary information or supporting fields.
Code Block

     <div n="division-example"
      <head> Example Division </head>
      <p> This example shows the use of divisions. </p>
      <table ...>
      <referenceSet ...>
      <list ...>
       <div n="sub-division-example"
        <p> Divisions may be nested </p>


Document Root

The document element is the root container of an XML UI document. All other elements are contained within it either directly or indirectly. The only attribute it carries is the version of the Schema to which it conforms.


  • none


  • meta


  • (one)
  • body


  • (one)
  • options


  • (one)


  • version: requiredVersion (required) Version number of the schema this document adheres to. At the time of writing the only valid version number is √¨1.0√Ænumbers are "1.0" or "1.1". Future iterations of this schema may increment the version number.
    Code Block
