Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above (config.*.yml)
  ssl: false
  host: localhost
  port: 4000
  # NOTE: Space is capitalized because 'namespace' is a reserved string in TypeScript
  nameSpace: /
  # The rateLimiter settings limit each IP to a 'max' of 500 requests per 'windowMs' (1 minute).
    windowMs: 60000 # 1 minute
    max: 500 # limit each IP to 500 requests per windowMs


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
ui: {
  ssl: false,
  host: 'localhost',
  port: 4000,
  // NOTE: Space is capitalized because 'namespace' is a reserved string in TypeScript
  nameSpace: '/',
  // The rateLimiter settings limit each IP to a "max" of 500 requests per "windowMs" (1 minute).
  rateLimiter: {
    windowMs: 1 * 60 * 1000,   // 1 minute
    max: 500 // limit each IP to 500 requests per windowMs


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above (config.*.yml)
  ssl: true
  port: 443
  # NOTE: Space is capitalized because 'namespace' is a reserved string in TypeScript
  nameSpace: /server


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
rest: {
  ssl: true,
  host: '',
  port: 443,
  // NOTE: Space is capitalized because 'namespace' is a reserved string in TypeScript
  nameSpace: '/server'


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above (config.*.yml)
  # NOTE: how long should objects be cached for by default
    default: 900000 # 15 minutes
  control: max-age=60 # revalidate browser
    defaultTime: 0
    maxBufferSize: 100
      PATCH: 3 # time in seconds


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
cache: {
  // NOTE: how long should objects be cached for by default
  msToLive: {
    default: 15 * 60 * 1000, // 15 minutes
  control: 'max-age=60', // revalidate browser
  autoSync: {
    defaultTime: 0,
    maxBufferSize: 100,
    timePerMethod: {[RestRequestMethod.PATCH]: 3} as any // time in seconds


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above (config.*.yml)
  # Authentication UI settings
    # the amount of time before the idle warning is shown
    timeUntilIdle: 900000 # 15 minutes
    # the amount of time the user has to react after the idle warning is shown before they are logged out.
    idleGracePeriod: 300000 # 5 minutes
  # Authentication REST settings
    # If the rest token expires in less than this amount of time, it will be refreshed automatically.
    # This is independent from the idle warning.
    timeLeftBeforeTokenRefresh: 120000 # 2 minutes


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
auth: {
  // Authentication UI settings
  ui: {
    // the amount of time before the idle warning is shown
    timeUntilIdle: 15 * 60 * 1000, // 15 minutes
    // the amount of time the user has to react after the idle warning is shown before they are logged out.
    idleGracePeriod: 5 * 60 * 1000, // 5 minutes
  // Authentication REST settings
  rest: {
    // If the rest token expires in less than this amount of time, it will be refreshed automatically.
    // This is independent from the idle warning.     
    timeLeftBeforeTokenRefresh: 2 * 60 * 1000, // 2 minutes


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above (config.*.yml)
  # NOTE: Map server-side validators to comparative Angular form validators
    required: required
    regex: pattern


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
form: {
  // NOTE: Map server-side validators to comparative Angular form validators
  validatorMap: {
    required: 'required',
    regex: 'pattern'


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above (config.*.yml)
  rtl: false
    - top
    - right
  maxStack: 8
  # NOTE: after how many seconds notification is closed automatically. If set to zero notifications are not closed automatically
  timeOut: 5000 # 5 second
  clickToClose: true
  # NOTE: 'fade' | 'fromTop' | 'fromRight' | 'fromBottom' | 'fromLeft' | 'rotate' | 'scale'
  animate: scale


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
notifications: {
  rtl: false,
  position: ['top', 'right'],
  maxStack: 8,
  // NOTE: after how many seconds notification is closed automatically. If set to zero notifications are not closed automatically
  timeOut: 5000, // 5 second
  clickToClose: true,
  // NOTE: 'fade' | 'fromTop' | 'fromRight' | 'fromBottom' | 'fromLeft' | 'rotate' | 'scale'
  animate: NotificationAnimationsType.Scale


The "submission" section provides some basic Submission/Deposit UI options.  These allow you to optionally enable an autosave (disabled by default), and custom styles/icons for metadata fields or authority confidence values.

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above (config.*.yml)
    # NOTE: which metadata trigger an autosave
    metadata: []
    # NOTE: after how many time (milliseconds) submission is saved automatically
    # eg. timer: 300000 # 5 minutes
    timer: 0
      # NOTE: example of configuration
      #   # NOTE: metadata name
      # - name:
      #   # NOTE: fontawesome (v5.x) icon classes and bootstrap utility classes can be used
      #   style: fas fa-user
      - name:
        style: fas fa-user
      # default configuration
      - name: default
        style: ''
        # NOTE: example of configuration
        #   # NOTE: confidence value
        # - name:
        #   # NOTE: fontawesome (v5.x) icon classes and bootstrap utility classes can be used
        #   style: fa-user
        - value: 600
          style: text-success
        - value: 500
          style: text-info
        - value: 400
          style: text-warning
        # default configuration
        - value: default
          style: text-muted


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
submission: {
    autosave: {
      // NOTE: which metadata trigger an autosave
      metadata: [],
       * NOTE: after how many time (milliseconds) submission is saved automatically
       * eg. timer: 5 * (1000 * 60); // 5 minutes
      timer: 0
    icons: {
      metadata: [
         * NOTE: example of configuration
         * {
         *    // NOTE: metadata name
         *    name: '',
         *    // NOTE: fontawesome (v5.x) icon classes and bootstrap utility classes can be used
         *    style: 'fa-user'
         * }
          name: '',
          style: 'fas fa-user'
        // default configuration
          name: 'default',
          style: ''
      authority: {
        confidence: [
           * NOTE: example of configuration
           * {
           *    // NOTE: confidence value
           *    value: '',
           *    // NOTE: fontawesome (v4.x) icon classes and bootstrap utility classes can be used
           *    style: 'fa-user'
           * }
            value: 600,
            style: 'text-success'
            value: 500,
            style: 'text-info'
            value: 400,
            style: 'text-warning'
          // default configuration
            value: 'default',
            style: 'text-muted'



The "universal" section pertains to enabling/disabling Angular Universal for Server-side rendering.  DSpace requires server-side rendering to support Search Engine Optimization. When it's turned off, your site may not be able to be indexed in Google, Google Scholar and other search engines.

Code Block
// Angular Universal settings
universal: {
  preboot: true,
  async: true,
  time: false


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above (config.*.yml)
# NOTE: will log all redux actions and transfers in console
debug: false


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
// NOTE: will log all redux actions and transfers in console
debug: false


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above (config.*.yml)
#  Default Language in which the UI will be rendered if the user's browser language is not an active language
defaultLanguage: en

# Languages. DSpace Angular holds a message catalog for each of the following languages.
# When set to active, users will be able to switch to the use of this language in the user interface.
# All out of the box language packs may be found in the ./src/assets/i18n/ directory
  - code: en
    label: English
    active: true
  - code: cs
    label: Čeština
    active: true
  - code: de
    label: Deutsch
    active: true
  - ...


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
// Default Language in which the UI will be rendered if the user's browser language is not an active language
defaultLanguage: 'en',
// Languages. DSpace Angular holds a message catalog for each of the following languages.
// When set to active, users will be able to switch to the use of this language in the user interface.
languages: [{
  code: 'en',
  label: 'English',
  active: true,
}, {
  code: 'de',
  label: 'Deutsch',
  active: true,


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above (config.*.yml)
  # Amount of years to display using jumps of one year (current year - oneYearLimit)
  oneYearLimit: 10
  # Limit for years to display using jumps of five years (current year - fiveYearLimit)
  fiveYearLimit: 30
  # The absolute lowest year to display in the dropdown (only used when no lowest date can be found for all items)
  defaultLowerLimit: 1900

# NOTE: The "types" section no longer exists, as it is determined dynamically via the REST API


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
browseBy: {
  // Amount of years to display using jumps of one year (current year - oneYearLimit)
  oneYearLimit: 10,
  // Limit for years to display using jumps of five years (current year - fiveYearLimit)
  fiveYearLimit: 30,
  // The absolute lowest year to display in the dropdown (only used when no lowest date can be found for all items)
  defaultLowerLimit: 1900,
  // List of all the active Browse-By types
  // Adding a type will activate their Browse-By page and add them to the global navigation menu,
  // as well as community and collection pages
  // Allowed fields and their purpose:
  //    id:             The browse id to use for fetching info from the rest api
  //    type:           The type of Browse-By page to display
  //    metadataField:  The metadata-field used to create starts-with options (only necessary when the type is set to 'date')
  types: [
      id: 'title',
      type: BrowseByType.Title,
      id: 'dateissued',
      type: BrowseByType.Date,
      metadataField: ''
      id: 'author',
      type: BrowseByType.Metadata
      id: 'subject',
      type: BrowseByType.Metadata


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above (config.*.yml)
    undoTimeout: 10000 # 10 seconds

    undoTimeout: 10000 # 10 seconds


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
item: {
  edit: {
    undoTimeout: 10000 // 10 seconds
collection: {
  edit: {     
    undoTimeout: 10000 // 10 seconds


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above (config.*.yml)
  # Add additional themes here. In the case where multiple themes match a route, the first one
  # in this list will get priority. It is advisable to always have a theme that matches
  # every route as the last one
  # # A theme with a handle property will match the community, collection or item with the given
  # # handle, and all collections and/or items within it
  # - name: 'custom',
  #   handle: '10673/1233'
  # # A theme with a regex property will match the route using a regular expression. If it
  # # matches the route for a community or collection it will also apply to all collections
  # # and/or items within it
  # - name: 'custom',
  #   regex: 'collections\/e8043bc2.*'
  # # A theme with a uuid property will match the community, collection or item with the given
  # # ID, and all collections and/or items within it
  # - name: 'custom',
  #   uuid: '0958c910-2037-42a9-81c7-dca80e3892b4'
  # # The extends property specifies an ancestor theme (by name). Whenever a themed component is not found
  # # in the current theme, its ancestor theme(s) will be checked recursively before falling back to default.
  # - name: 'custom-A',
  #   extends: 'custom-B',
  #   # Any of the matching properties above can be used
  #   handle: '10673/34'
  # - name: 'custom-B',
  #   extends: 'custom',
  #   handle: '10673/12'
  # # A theme with only a name will match every route
  # name: 'custom'
  # # This theme will use the default bootstrap styling for DSpace components
  # - name: BASE_THEME_NAME
  - name: dspace
    # Whenever this theme is active, the following tags will be injected into the <head> of the page.
    # Example use case: set the favicon based on the active theme. 
    - tagName: link
        rel: icon
        href: assets/dspace/images/favicons/favicon.ico
        sizes: any
    - tagName: link
        rel: icon
        href: assets/dspace/images/favicons/favicon.svg
        type: image/svg+xml
    - tagName: link
        rel: apple-touch-icon
        href: assets/dspace/images/favicons/apple-touch-icon.png
    - tagName: link
        rel: manifest
        href: assets/dspace/images/favicons/manifest.webmanifest


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
themes: [
  // Add additional themes here. In the case where multiple themes match a route, the first one
  // in this list will get priority. It is advisable to always have a theme that matches
  // every route as the last one

  // {
  //   // A theme with a handle property will match the community, collection or item with the given
  //   // handle, and all collections and/or items within it
  //   name: 'custom',
  //   handle: '10673/1233'
  // },
  // {
  //   // A theme with a regex property will match the route using a regular expression. If it
  //   // matches the route for a community or collection it will also apply to all collections
  //   // and/or items within it
  //   name: 'custom',
  //   regex: 'collections\/e8043bc2.*'
  // },
  // {
  //   // A theme with a uuid property will match the community, collection or item with the given
  //   // ID, and all collections and/or items within it
  //   name: 'custom',
  //   uuid: '0958c910-2037-42a9-81c7-dca80e3892b4'
  // },
  // {
  //    // Using the "extends" property allows a theme to extend/borrow from an ancestor theme (by name).
  //    // Wherever a theme component is now found in this themes, its ancestor theme(s) will be checked 
  //    // recursively before falling back to default.
  //    name: 'custom-A',
  //    extends: 'custom-B',
  //    // Any of the matching properties above can be used
  //    handle: 10673/34,
  // },
  // {
  //    name: 'custom-B',
  //    extends: 'custom',
  //    handle: 10673/12,
  // },
  // {
  //   // A theme with only a name will match every route
  //   name: 'custom'
  // },
  // {
  //   // This theme will use the default bootstrap styling for DSpace components
  //   name: BASE_THEME_NAME
  // },
    // The default dspace theme
    name: 'dspace'
    // Whenever this theme is active, the following tags will be injected into the <head> of the page.
    // Example use case: set the favicon based on the active theme.
    headTags: [
        // Insert <link rel="icon" href="assets/dspace/images/favicons/favicon.ico" sizes="any"/> into the <head> of the page.
        tagName: 'link',
        attributes: {
          'rel': 'icon',
          'href': 'assets/dspace/images/favicons/favicon.ico',
          'sizes': 'any',


The DSpace UI comes with a basic, out-of-the-box Media Viewer (disabled by default).  You can choose to enable it for "image/*" or "video/*" MIME types, or both.

Code Block
titleFormat for 7.2 or above (config.*.yml)
# Whether to enable media viewer for image and/or video Bitstreams (i.e. Bitstreams whose MIME type starts with 'image' or 'video').
# For images, this enables a gallery viewer where you can zoom or page through images.
# For videos, this enables embedded video streaming
  image: false
  video: false


Code Block
titleFormat for 7.1 or 7.0 (environment.*.ts)
// Whether to enable media viewer for image and/or video Bitstreams (i.e. Bitstreams whose MIME type starts with "image" or "video").
// For images, this enables a gallery viewer where you can zoom or page through images.
// For videos, this enables embedded video streaming
mediaViewer: {
  image: false,
  video: false,
